Chapter Eight

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Riddle me this. How can I call it a nightmare, if it doesn't leave my presence when I awake?

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"You know I love you, right?" I asked as I lay my head on his chest, tracing his shirt with my fingers.

"You do?"

"Of course I do, idiot. You know, the first time I met you, I hated you. Your smug smile and stupid comments. Isn't it funny that those are the things I now love?" After a couple moments of silence, I frowned slightly. "Hey, you okay? You're being really quiet."

"Of course you don't know, you left me."

"What?" I asked, sitting up to face him. But when I did he pushed me against the wall. "Bucky!"

"You know the truth! You can help me!" He screamed, spitting in my face. "Why won't you help me? Why won't you help me!"

"I'm sorry!" I cried, shivering with fear. "Bucky, I'm so sorry." Suddenly his face froze and he brought his lips closer to my ear.

"Listen to the voices."

An ominous boom startled me out of my abysmal nightmare. My cheeks were wet and my body was bathed in a cold sweat. My heart pounded against my chest as I trembled.

Calming down, I glanced sideways at the clock. 4AM.

Sighing, I got up and silently made my way to the kitchen. Pouring myself a glass of coffee, I sat there in silence.

Listen to the voices. That's how every nightmare ends, that one single demand. Easier said than done. Suddenly the door opened, revealing a tired and sweaty Steve. When he saw me he groaned, dropping his bag onto the floor.

"I can literally smell the crime on you, what've you done now?"

"Went boxing, fought some guys. I can literally smell the caffeine on you, what're doing up?"

"Don't turn this on me, you're just annoyed you got caught. Prepare yourself for a lecture."

"Will do." He smiled, sitting next to me. I looked at his face and saw a bust lip along with several red marks. Sighing, I glared at him and stood up to go get some antibacterial wipes from the cupboard. They're very handy.

"You do know that these will all heal in the morning, right?"

"Of course I do, dumbass. But that doesn't mean I'm going to stop making sure. You could get an infection, yes it'll probably only last around ten seconds but oh well." Walking back, I sat down again and took out a wipe. Holding his head, I prodded at his forehead. As he hissed I rolled my eyes. "Well if you stayed in bed instead of getting yourself into trouble..."

"Look, I'm sorry. Alright?"

"Yeah." I huffed, taking my hands off of him. "Go have a shower, you stink."

Steve chuckled, waking towards the bathroom. "It's genetic!" He called out, I grabbed the packet of wipes and threw it at his head. I could hear him laugh as he shut the door. Smiling slightly I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to rid myself of the nightmare. You're meant to forget them yet mine always linger, always my focus.

This is the world I now live in and I'm losing control by the hour.

(A/N so this is a type of prologue thingy to show how life was for them before The Avengers. So I'm sorry it's so short, the next chapter will be the normal length.)

Obliterate ~ Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now