Worst week ever.

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Raylen's p.o.v
*Raylen's dream*
~It was summer 2k17 I was hanging out with Luke by the pool. I really wasn't expecting to see anyone from my school since I was in California. I heard someone calling my name only to open my eyes to see no one other then bad boy Calum Hood. He was walking over freaking great. He came over and started talking to me. "Hey Raylen! What brings you to California?" God his voice makes me want to melt! "Oh, um nothing just hanging out with Luke he brought me along and I just couldn't say no." He looked kinda sad. "Oh where's Luke?" "He's was supposed to be getting us drinks but he's been gone a while" I couldn't pay attention to anything all I heard was......beeping?~
I woke up to the sound of beeping coming from my alarm clock. "Ugh just perfect another day of school." I really wish it was the last day so I could just get away. Like always I look out my window to see birds flying, the pretty sunrise, and bad boy Calum Hood in his back yard playing soccer. How could some one that hot show someone like me so much attention.

Calum Hood didn't seem like the type to be single for more then a few hours. Him and this girl Chloe were dating for 3 years they recently broke up for unknown reasons. Calum seemed like they type of guy that has girls waiting in line to date him, and I'm in that line.

I looked back down at Calum to see him looking up at me waving. I casually wave back and walk away. Great my crush just saw me looking at him, now he probably thinks I'm a stalker. I just shake it off and finish getting dressed.

*Getting to school*

As I got to school I could only think of Calum. I was just walking in thinking before I got interrupted but my phone going off
Luke: Meet me by my car please I need to tell you something...
Me: ok see you then
Great now what have I done? As I get closer I could see Luke and Michael talking. Oh great my life is just getting ten times better. I walked up and they both got quite and just staring at me.
"Oh look at the time... BYE!!"
"Bye Michael" me and Luke said at the same time.
"Hey Luke what do you have to tell me?"
"Raylen.... I don't know how to say this"
"Luke it's ok just say it"
"Raylen... I'm gay and I like Calum!" Luke said that then ran off. I was speech less. I was sad. I was... heart broken. I was frozen in place. I didn't know what to do. I can't go home, I can't talk to Luke, Calum, or Michael. I had no one. The bell for homeroom rang I couldn't face Calum or anyone at this point so I went to my car and drove off.

I don't know what to say about this one... sorry? Anyways hope you liked it!!
Love ya!!

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