Time Of Dying

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It's been a week and I still haven't done my mission, nor do I plan too. I pretty much isolated myself from everyone on my break. I've been to the bar everyday and Carl is making my life even worse.
I was sitting at the bar, and Carl came up behind me and pinned me up against the wall. The stuff on the walls that they had nailed up, fell down or tipped over a bit. I shut my eyes tight due to the force. The air was knocked out of me and I tried to cough.
"What now?" I wheezed out to Carl. All he did was chuckle and stare at me.
"Listen, I'm cold, tired, so if you're gonna do something, just make it quick" I told him. My body was sore from all the hardcore training and this was my only week off till another two months.
"Quick huh? I have an idea!" His eyebrows lifted and he tightened his grip and dragged me through the bar. I was thrown into his car. I tried to get out, but he put a gun to my head and ordered me to stay still and quiet.
We arrived at his place and he pushed me to his bedroom. He locked the door and went over to the window, closing the curtains and making sure that was locked too. Once he turned around to face me, his smirk gave me an uneasy feeling and I knew I was my life was over.

Toms POV

Margrett is usually home at this hour. I called to see if she went to the store or something, but there was no answer.
"Hey Edd?" I asked who was sitting next to me on the couch.
"Yea?" He replied.
"Have you heard from Margrett?"
"Well she's usually here around this time, right?"
"Yea?" He says looking at his watch, realizing the time.
"She could be getting me mirrors!" Matt said with an excited tone.
"I don't thinks so Matt" I told him. He grunted and continued to look at himself in his mirror he had in his hand already.
I stood up and went upstairs to use Margretts laptop. I was going to track her phone. She taught me how to do that when she was an undercover cop. She had her phone synced on her laptop, and she told me only to do this in an emergency. Though I didn't know this situation, better safe than sorry.
"Carls? Why would she-oh!" I slammed the laptop shut and ran down the stairs.
"Guys! Car! Now!" I demanded. Edd knew what I was talking about, but Matt was being slow. We finally managed to get in the car and I sped to Carls. I kicked the door down and told the guys to be quiet and just listen for anything.
"Don't shoot! Don't shoot!" I hear Margrett scream from upstairs. I look at Edd and his face was full of worry. We bolted up the stairs and listened through the door. One bang was heard and then a thud followed.
"Fucking-" Margrett cried in pain. I busted the door down with my shoulder and immediately saw Carl with a gun in his hand. The first thing I did was attack him. Punches in the face to kicks in the baby maker. I took the gun from his hand and threw it across the room. Edd was giving Margrett medical attention.
"Paul and Patryk, you know what to do!" Tord says out of nowhere. He was standing in the doorway and I stood up. Paul and Patryk picked Margrett up and she couldn't fight back.
"Tord, please! She needs to go to a hospital!" Edd cried.
"Tord! Let her go!" I ordered him. All he did was laugh and continue on.
"Edd and Matt, please excuse Tom and I-oh and get rid of this guy too" he said pointing to Carl. Edd looked at me and I nodded.
      Tord and I were alone and I had no idea what to expect. This guy is so unpredictable.
"Tom, you love Margrett, right?" He first asks.
"Why do you care?" I snap back.
"Because I want you to hear what I'm going to do to her"
"Don't touch her!"
"Too late! Bring her in boys!" Paul and Patryk came in and had Margrett tied to a chair. He put a gun against my forehead and shot a bullet.

Margretts POV

     I saw it all happen. I just cried and couldn't speak. Tom was on the floor and not moving.

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