Chapter Four

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Megan was in awe of the nights events "Finallyyyy, u actually did it I'm proud" 

"I know right and i seriously did'nt enjoy it, I mean really don't get how girls do this practically every week and live to tell about it " Jamie said while drying her hair with a towel. She bathed for almost an hour and yet she still felt dirty and as much as she wanted to loose her virginity she still felt violated.

Megan laughed."You're a beginner once you keep doing it you'll get the hang of it, besides it was your first time, what did you expect a bed of roses?"

A month later, camp was over and something was terribly wrong. Jamie thought of a million reasons of why this was happening, it could be cancer, menopause, stress.However she had to face the painful fact, she had all the signs and symptoms she was gaining weight, she was throwing up everything she ate  and of course she had missed her period. why me? she had asked herself, everyone does it, why did i have to be the one to get knocked up?

After camp Jamie and Tony never spoke to each other, if they did it would be a simple hi, hello and they both never gave any eye contact. Jamie blamed that on her actions, she was so ashamed and embarrassed that she just could't look at him and now a month later she was gonna have to have a real conversation with him and tell him he was going to be a dad. Could this get any worse? 

Jamie knocked on the Valastro's door hoping that no one would answer. Almost immediately the door opened and Tony appeared. When he saw Jamie he stared at her with so many emotions but the more Jamie searched the less she found the emotion she desired, love.

"Uh- Jamie, hi, what are you doing here?"

"I actually came to talk to you Tony" Tony stepped outside and closed the door behind him.

"Sure" he said looking like he had already regret he said that. They began strolling down the street.

"What have you been eating these past few weeks you've um grown" Tony said.

Jamie felt embarrased not only because he noticed the weight gain but because he had no idea he was the cause of it.

"That's actually what i wanted to talk to you about" Jamie felt the tears building up. Tony stopped walking and looked at her.

"What do you mean?"

"Tony don't freak out but..... I'm ....pregnant"

Tony stood still for a moment, with his face completely expressionless.

"Pregnant?" Jamie nodded.

"Well good for you , congratulations."

Jamie's head began to spin she just wanted to shrink and crawl under a rock.

"What do you mean congratulations? Tony what the hell are you trying to say? If you think that you're just going to pretend like that night never happened then  you have another thing coming pal. People know."

"Oh really, who?"

"What do you mean who you asked me to meet  you at the lake in front of Megan remember?"

Tony paused and thought about it he knew she was right he just did'nt want her to be."Yea so what that still don't prove I'm the dad."

Jamie had pictured this scene over and over in her mind and a million different ways it could have turned out but she felt ten times worse to see it actually happening right in front her. 

"Tony I thought you loved me, I was a virgin" She said with the warm tears rolling down her face. 

"Yea that's right you were a virgin who knows what you did after that and what are you talking about , Jamie did I ever tell you that i loved you?"

Jamie forced herself to think back and realized that he was right he didin't."But what about that night at the lake was'nt that what you wanted to tell me?"

"No I was going to tell you that I'm not ready for all that gushy relationship shit, that i just wanted this to be sex I-"

"You're lying" Jamie screamed "You love me, you do, you just want to be a dad"

"I'm not lying Jamie, I mean don't get me wrong i've always liked you and and had feelings for you but LOVE really Jamie I was trying to explain it all to you but you stopped me, you told me that your already knew" Tony looked around to see if they had gotten attention from any one with all the yelling.

Jamie could not bear to look at him because deep down she knew he was telling the truth but she was just so excited she forgot to put all the puzzle pieces in place to see the true Tony. The thought that part of him was growing inside her made her even more paranoid. She ran off and left him there standing not knowing what to do in the warm after noon sun. Jamie ran until she reached home never even bothering to look back. Her mom was out as usual so she quickly ran to the phone and called Megan.

"Hello?" Megan said on the other end of the line

"He denied it, Moe he said, he said-" Jamie could not finish she was sobbing and panting vigorously.

"Take it easy, James just breathe, tell me what did he say?"

"He said he never loved me" Jamie screamed into the phone crying her eyes out.

"I'm coming over right now, just stay put alright"

"Hurry" Jamie said as she hung up. So many different things went through her head that she could hardly breathe. Jamie ran upstairs to her bedroom, she then pulled out a coat hanger from her closet and began ripping off her clothes desperately.

When Megan arrived she called for Jamie but received no response. She dashed into Jamie's room to find the horrific scene. She had never seen so much blood and there was Jamie laying in the midst of it lifeless, and pale as a sheet with some solid life form hanging between her legs with a hanger piercing through it.

Megan quickly dialed 911 on her cell

"911, whats your emergency?"

"Um I think um an abortion gone wrong please hurry, i think the mother's dead,We're downtown Athens, Elizabeth Lane hurry" Megan hung up and rushed to Jamie's side, and wiping the ears off her cold cheeks .

"Why Jamie why? I thought we could have gotten through this" she said now crying Jaime moaned Megan looked at her intently, there was still some life left in her.  Jamie tried opening her eyes but she was just too weak.

" At least I did'nt die a virgin" she forced a smile. Megan burst out in tears as she smiled for her friend. The paramedics had finally arrived and Megan drove along with her friend to the hospital.

Jamie Hart was pronounced dead at 4:30pm. Jamie's mother can now be found in the Athens General Hospital in the psychiatric ward, wearing the same bloody clothes her daughter had worn the day she died. Megan Jamie's one true friend is now holding on to the precious memories she and her friend once had she is now the leader of the " JUST WAIT, SEX LIVES ON" campaign and as for Tony he was found in his room the day after Jaime died hanging by a rope he was found at exactly 4:30pm. In is suicide note he wrote "I'm sorry Jamie, I hope we will meet in hell, and i love you"

...................................................................................THE END...................................................

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