Chapter 7: Power

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Author note: I really apologize for taking so long on bringing out these chapters i had exams and needed to focus on my studies and i am back now. I really appreciate the support I have been getting and I thank you all for enjoying and I will try my best to bring out more chapters for all of you to enjoy and once again thank you -Zer0

The knife felt cold and sharp,pressed against my neck, looks like I could really get killed if I say anything wrong.

I gulped and look up at him, I tried to speak but it was hard, my throat felt like it was being ripped apart piece by piece,I tried to muster my strength but all that came out was "I.....d-d-didnt" I couldn't bring out anymore strength and I knocked out on the floor.

*Time Lapse*


I opened my eye, using only one eye is gonna be a pain for a while,oracles power is quite troublesome. I looked around to see where I was and it looked like a basement,the light was very dim so it was hard to see, I soon realized I was bounded to a wall by chain and the chain was very strong, with my strength very weakened as it is right now,I cannot break out. I then heard foot steps and the masked man came towards my direction from the darkness except that he wasn't wearing his mask. He had long silver hair reaching down to his back,crimson blood eyes and a scar by his cheek. I could feel his eyes burning into my soul, I was terrified.The only thing I could have done was just comply to his wishes.

He starting walking closer to me and pulled out a knife from his pockets, The knife shined so brightly in this very dim light. He pressed the knife slightly on my wrists and stared into my eyes,The knife felt cold and it was as sharp as a surgical knife. His eyes were piercing my heart with blood lust,he wants me dead,I can feel it in every inch of my body.

"Listen, boy, I want you to answer me truthfully and this whole situation will end quite easy or it could be very problematic for me and especially you." He explained.

I simply nodded and he continued to speak "First question, Why did you kill the king?" He questioned.

My mind became dark, I didn't kill him, why doesn't anyone believe me? Why am I going through all this struggle, I'm feeling my heart sinking deeper into the darkness. What is coming to me for the future but right now I cant stop now, I need to find my real purpose for being here and I need to avenge the king.

I gulped "I..I...I did not kill him, I swear that I didn't kill him, I would never he was kind to me and I owe him so much for helping......." my words fell flat as I talked about him more and I felt myself unable to say more. I felt a hard lump in my throat stopping me from talking about him. My thoughts were clouded with despair and sorrow,why is all of this happening to me? What did I do to deserve all of this?

"Alright, Look you seem like a good kid and I don't wanna hurt you but there are things that must be done and I need answers,Now!" He exclaimed.

I just stared into his eyes with a scared expression on my face,his eyes looked merciless and within a split second,he stabbed my hand with his knife. I screamed out in pain,the pain felt as if it was scorching throughout my body like an intense flame. It hurt so much, I couldn't take it anymore I felt my self snapped, I felt my blood pumping faster and faster and my heart increasingly throbbing fast and hard. Images started pouring into my head of an axe and a horn for some reason,I'm not sure why I'm seeing these things but its making me angrier and angrier. my mind is started to go blank, I couldn't control my body any longer. I felt a surge of energy entering inside me and my body started to glow. The man stepped back and looked at me in awe. My body moved on its own and It was trying to pull the chains out of the wall and break free, after struggling for a few seconds the chained smashed into the pieces and the man just kept staring in awe and disbelief. My eyes glowed bright yellow and I exhaled heavily. I started taking heavy steps towards him as I reached closely in front of him, my body fell sluggish,I fainted and dropped into his chest.

I awoke to darkness and saw Oracle standing there looking at me with a grim expression on her face, I looked back up at her and I sighed heavily.

"Jin......I-" She stopped herself from speaking.

"What was that,oracle? what exactly am I, It felt so strange like I was in a trance. That there was nothing I could do in that situation, I felt helpless but also powered. There is a strange feeling deep down inside me and those images I saw.......I just cant keep up with all this, I feel so flustered and lost" I explained.

Oracle came closer to me,embraced me and smiled, "Jin everything will be answered soon enough, your power is but a mystery to me not even I know everything Jin. I do know alot however, your questions will be answered in due time but as for now you will be blind and put to struggle. Even though I know you will overcome this and become stronger and a better person. The man you have encountered you can trust him, he may seem like this now but he can be a very powerful friend to have beside you." she said.

"No...... I do not want him as my friend, I want him as my master. He is strong, I can tell he can teach me alot of things, I have a feeling he will be a great teacher and asset to me. Thank you oracle." I said with a smiling face.

She smiled back and disappeared into the faded darkness and her voice filled into my head
"Farewell for now, child. We will talk again in due time, best of luck to you.

The darkness soon cleared up and I woke up into the same room as I was before and I saw the man sitting on a chair reading a book. I realized my bandages were off and I was healed completely, I can finally see through my both eyes.

He looked over at me and bowed. " I apologize for the way I have treated you, the look I saw into your eyes, It made me realize there is no way that someone like you can kill the king, your are to weak and far to honest." he laughed.

I laughed a little and then I said thank you.

He got back up and said "No, I should be thanking you for saving my life back then, I owe you one, my name is Veigas Bloodvelt."

"Its a pleasure to meet you,if I may ask,whats the quickest way to becoming strong,strong enough to blow enemies in just moment and can I become that strong. "I said.

"There is no easy way to become strong kid, there is however hard work and determination. I think you have those qualities but your still lacking in other qualities, I see your potential when you broke that chain. That chain was made up of  Enchanted Mana steel and its on of the strongest metals, it cannot be broken easily at all, especially by you. He explained

"Ummmmm, thanks.........I'm not sure whether that's an insult or a compliment but that's why i have to ask you. Will you please teach me of this world and train me to become strong? I begged as I got on my knees.

He crossed his arms and thought deeply "You know what kid, I will become your master..........under one requirement." he smiled.

"Really...........but whats the requirement?" I asked.

He simply continued smiling and proceed to walk out the door," In due time, Jin." he said.

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