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The first thing Scott heard when he woke up was a groan from across the room. His eyes fluttered open, only to squint shut again at the light streaming through the blinds they forgot to close the night before. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he wondered what time it was and why someone hadn't already woken them up, but when he pulled his eyes open again, he saw that it was only six. Another groan from the other bed had his eyes searching the lump of blankets for the small boy hidden within.

"Mitchie?" he said softly, his voice barely wanting to work after having been silent for so many hours. There was no response except for the lump shifting slightly. The massive amount of blankets that Mitch had wanted the night before now made the bed look like a white sea of fabric that he could easily have drowned in. Scott smiled faintly and planted his feet on the floor, simply staring at the other bed for a moment before dragging himself to his feet. He took the half a step over to the other bed and searched it for any signs of the person that was supposedly there. The only thing that showed him that Mitch was there at all was the slightest bit of purple showing against the otherwise white bed. "Good morning, Mitchie."

"Go away." he heard faintly, and the purple disappeared as Mitch dragged the covers farther over his head.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. If we're not up soon, Esther might have our heads."

"What time is it?" Everything Mitch said was deeply muffled in a way that made Scott want to break out laughing.

"Six." There was a groan and then slowly the thousand blankets were pushed back to reveal Mitch. "I knew you were under there." Mitch tried to smile, but his face fell quickly and he rolled over to bury his face in the mattress.

"Can you get me some water?"

"Can't you get it yourself?" Scott asked, starting to walk over to his suitcase to grab some clothes to travel in.

"Scott. I don't feel good. Can you get me some water, please?" Scott suddenly became worried and walked back over to Mitch, rolling him onto his back again and touching his forehead gently.

"You're burning up."

"I'm cold." Mitch pulled the blankets back up over his chest and wrapped them tightly around his shoulders.

"Hold on. I'll get you some water. It has to be from the sink."

"I don't care. My head hurts."

"Hang on." Scott started toward the sink and glanced over his shoulder, noticing how tired Mitch looked, how pale his face was. By the time he came back with the water, Mitch was asleep again. He got out his phone and called Esther.

"Scott Richard Hoying, you and Mitch were supposed to be downstairs five minutes ago. Where are you?"

"Mitch is sick. He can't even stay awake." Esther groaned.

"I'm sending Kirstie up to investigate, just to make sure you guys aren't, like, hanging out."

"Whatever. I'm not lying, I promise."

"Okay, hang on. Kirstie will be there in a few."

"Okay." Scott paced until a faint knock on the door caught his attention. When he opened the door and Kirstie stood there, tapping her foot a little, he just pointed toward Mitch. She strode past him and sat on the edge of the bed next to Mitch, who was so pale that he nearly blended in with the white all around him.

"Hey, babe." she said quietly, holding her hand against his forehead. He didn't even open his eyes, let alone move. "He's burning. Do you have a thermometer?"

"No. Is he okay?" Scott was starting to panic.

"I just need a thermometer. Go ask Es if she has one." Scott nodded and practically sprinted down to the lobby, where Esther, Darien, and the rest of the band were waiting. Kevin was talking to some girl who looked very excited to see him, and Avi was scrolling through Twitter. Esther was glancing back and forth between her phone and her watch repeatedly until he showed up.

" you have one?" He was out of breath and panting heavily.

"Uh, no. Sorry. Is he really that sick?" He nodded and turned to look over his shoulder when he heard a squeal. The girl Kevin had been talking to was staring at him, wide eyed and grinning giddily. Torn between not wanting to seem rude and worrying about Mitch, he smiled back and turned back to Esther.

"He has a fever, a high one from what I can tell." She ran her hands through her hair and said, "Kev, Av, hold down the fort. I'll be right back." The girl next to Kevin squeaked out, "Hi, Scott. Is Mitch okay?"

"Maybe. Uh, I think so. Nice meeting you." he rushed out, following Esther as she speed-walked toward the elevator.


By the time Scott and Esther got back to the room, they could hear Mitch coughing from outside the door. They found him half laying, half hunched on his stomach as coughs shook his body violently. Kirstie was rubbing up and down his back, trying to be comforting.

"Why don't any of us have a thermometer?" Esther murmured, irritated and worried simultaneously. When Scott stopped in the doorway and just stood, staring at Mitch, she turned around and snapped at him, "Go get me a washcloth with cold water on it." He pushed past her and sprinted to the bathroom, coming back a few seconds later with her request. Esther took it from him and, after forcing Mitch to lay back on his back again, draped it over his forehead. His eyes were partly open, and he couldn't stop coughing. He hand one hand tightly clenched to his stomach and the other over his mouth.

"Mitchie..." Scott groaned. Mitch stopped coughing for a second and reached both arms toward him before returning to his previous position. Scott sat on the bed next to him and Mitch rolled instinctively against him.

"I'm cold." he mumbled against Scott's thigh.

"I know, baby." Scott replied, reaching to pull the blankets up again. Kirstie shot him a questioning look, and he just shrugged.

"He obviously can't travel. What are we going to do? Check out is in an hour and this room is already booked for someone else once we're gone." Esther was mumbling, half to herself, half to Kirstie.

"Can you stand up?" Scott asked Mitch, brushing a bit of his hair out of his eyes. He barely cracked his eyes open, and Scott knew the answer. "I can carry him? We can't stay here. They'll kick us out."

"Okay, Mitch, I need you to try to talk to me a little. Okay?" Mitch nodded once before his head fell lazily against Scott's leg again. He was still coughing, but it had died down a little. "Do you feel nauseous?"

"Mhm." The small hum was barely heard between his coughs.

"Is flying bad for nausea?" Esther whispered to Kirstie, who pursed her lips and nodded. Esther groaned and sighed before saying, "Will you be okay for Scott to carry you down to the car? You can sleep there if you want." Another hum of agreement. "Okay. Scott, I'm leaving you in charge of getting him dressed and carrying him down. We'll deal with...further arrangements after that. I'll see you guys soon. Come on, Kirst." The two girls left the room and Scott pulled Mitch up into a sitting position. The look of pain on Mitch's face made his heart break. His eyes were still closed, and his coughing had stopped.

"Does your head still hurt?" A slight nod. "I'm gonna let go so I can get you some clothes. Don't fall over, okay?" Scott leaned over and kissed Mitch's cheek, his lips burning a little from how hot the former's face was. He decided it was easiest to just put one of his own shirts on Mitch, so he grabbed the biggest one he could find and, with a tiny bit of cooperation, slipped it on. "Still wearing your jeans from last night?" Another tiny nod. "Alright. Let's go." Scott picked Mitch up bridal style, noticing how Mitch leaned into his chest immediately. Luckily, Esther was still waiting outside the door, so she grabbed their suitcases for them and followed them down to the lobby.

Hey! This was getting too long so I decided to put the rest into pt. 2, which will be updated hopefully soon. Love you 💚❤️💛💙💜

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