Face to Face

283 22 23

A coffee shop/internet friends AU. Pretty cliché and predictable but very very fluffy

5 new Twitter notifications. The blue bubble emerges at the top of the screen the second I unlock my phone, soon followed by countless messages and Snapchat notifications, as well. I smile to myself, locking my phone again and tucking it back into my pocket to follow the rush of students going toward the front doors. Once outside, I start walking toward my favorite coffee shop, Coffee Tree, also known as my safe haven. My phone buzzes again, and I trace the outline of it in my pocket, smiling to myself and hoping for a sixth Twitter notification. Those are the only ones I really care about. As I push the glass double doors open, the strong scent of coffee and vanilla and mocha all blended together hits me in the face and I can't help but smile.

"Hey, Mitch!" I hear. I look over and find the same barista as usual behind the counter, smiling at me.


"I already started your order." He repeats the order back to me, to verify that he got it right, and I nod, chuckling.

"It's probably a bad sign that I come here often enough that you know my order by heart."

"Well, don't stop. You're the highlight of my day."

"I'm glad I can be someone's." I hand him the money and he returns the change, coming back a few seconds later with my drink. "Thanks."

"Of course. It looks like your spot is open still; go get it before someone takes it." he comments, looking around me to the back corner of the shop where I usually sit.


"Bye." I take a long sip of the steaming drink, sighing in pleasure as it warms my throat and brightens my day. I get to the farthest corner and take out my phone, immediately going into Twitter and checking to see if there are any new DMs. I open the messages and smile when I see four or five lined up. I read through them quickly, about to reply when a new one shows up.

scotland: are you out of school yet? i'm bored

Queen_Mitchell: yeah I just got out

Queen_Mitchell: Do something productive for a change. I bite my lip shyly and take another drink to distract myself while he types.

scotland: i can't, i'm at work sitting around

Queen_Mitchell: well then WHY ARE YOU ON TWITTER

Queen_Mitchell: I love you but you're a moron. While I wait for a new reply, I glance up to find the barista staring at me with a small smile. A blush rises to my cheeks and I look away, back at my phone where I see two new messages.

scotland: a cute guy keeps looking at me

scotland: are you jealous??? My stomach twists into a knot, because the truth is I am jealous, but I know that he is joking around and type out a response.

Queen_Mitchell: ask him out

scotland: hell nah. i can't even have a conversation with my cat, let alone a human being. especially a cute male one.

Queen_Mitchell: wow that was the most relatable thing you've ever said. but seriously, you should go talk to him, you never know what could happen. I glance up again and see the barista staring at me a bit more intently, a wider smile on his lips.

scotland: i can't. im legit shaking just thinking about it so I think i'll stay right where I am thank you very much.

Queen_Mitchell: okay wait are we ever gonna meet each other?? When the message changes from sent to read and he doesn't reply, I immediately start to worry that I freaked him out with the question and gnaw anxiously on my lip again. I watch with anticipation when the three bubbles pop up and are replaced with a new message.

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