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Please ignore my horrible poetry skills. This just seemed wrong in prose.

My affection never died, okay?

I just pushed it out

Your love was sweet, your silence heavy

Without you, what am I? I am nothing.

The pain you caused me was one no one could detect

It was the kind you hear about destroying people

The kind that makes you fall to your knees and wait for the tidal wave to come

Because you know that waiting is the only thing you can do

You used to be my anchor,

My home,

My safe place

Now you are gone and I am left with nowhere to go

And no place to belong

You left me stranded when you walked out that night

When you stopped answering

When you stopped being there

There was a time when my existence was not contingent upon yours

But it was so long ago that I do not remember how it felt to be anything other than yours

Without you, what's the point of me?

Should I continue and wait for another?

But, no,

No one can replace you

You are mine

And I am yours

And even if you will never know

I will love you forever

So please take this pain away

Please, just make it stop

I miss being whole

I miss being happy

I miss being yours

Do you miss being mine?

Of course you don't

Why would you?

Huh. That happened. Sorry 'bout it.

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