Pallah Hotel

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"Coach.. This isn't the way you described it at all..!" Chantelle shouted as she dived on to the largest, whitest, softest couch ever seen. "Agreed.." Chloe slowly walked up the stairs, instantly taking photos for her snapchat story. I did the same as i walked to the window.

"Coach what are we doing here?" I asked turning my head back to the doorway she stood at. "Auditions." She replied with a smirk, not looking away from the view outside. Coach left way to much mystery behind that short sentence. "For what?!" Chantelle sat up from the couch. "We haven't prepared for anything!" Chloe added in a high voice. "Huh?" Is all i could manage to get out. "There are 12 of you in the senior team. And as you noticed there are only 3 of you here." She continued. "Why is that..?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowing. " Chloe, tonight at 6 you have a meeting with some very important people down in the hotels function room. As you may get a gig in Perth. Solo. A chance to show off that guitar of yours." Chloe's eyes widened, she was speechless. "And i'm here because?" Chantelle and I said in sync. "Patience.. Chantelle you will be modeling for Dolly Magazine Thursday-Sunday. As for you Harley, you will be introduced to James Cameron, director of Titanic and Avatar on Monday, He wants you in the film of 'Romeo+Juliet'. Then Tuesday a meeting will be held with Tim Burton, as he wants your voice as Alice in 'Alice through the looking glass'.

We all stood speechless, coach counted down, "3.. 2.. 1.." she blocked her ears. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" We all let out the biggest screams, as we ran up the stairs and jumped on the pure white couches. Coach plugged in her ear buds and nodded off to sleep as we messed up the perfectly made California king beds.

This. Is. Incredible.

I'll be on my way :)Where stories live. Discover now