~Walks And Talks~

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I walked along the beach, i could feel the sand between my toes. The soft, gentle, cold winds kissing my bare skin as my short purple dress flows behind me. I felt the burning sensation of the warm sunset on the back of my neck. As my light brown hair gently blows around in the air. A warm summer haze, Beautifully darkens. Slowly the sun goes down, while the cold , white moon rises. I feel powerful, Strong and unstoppable. I feel as if everybody should be bowing down before me as i stand tall with a brave face on. I lye down on the soft sand, My eyelids feel heavy. My mind begins to shut down. And before i know it the warm, windy night has taken over my body.

"Up! Up! Harley!! James today, Tim tomorrow." Coach was running around like a headless chook. "Chloe! Chantelle! Just because your job is done doesn't mean you get to lye around all day!" I lift my head up slowly to see Chloe's skin pale as ever from being away from the sun. Chantelle's beautifully, flawless, olive skin and bright blue eyes ready for the day. 

"Coach what's the time?.." i groaned hoping for sympathy and just 5 more minutes. "We are here for a month and only the first week is work! Get up, Come on. It's 9:27 and we meet James at 10, So hurry along now." Her sweet British accent was so strong but soft and soothing all at once. I got out of bed and brushed my teeth did my make-up exactly like Rose Dewitt Bukater's from Titanic. It suits me well, As i have a beauty spot to the left just above my lip and under my nose. i pulled my corset tight and slipped on my long, light pink and white gown on top.

__Meeting with James Cameron__

"Well, That's amazing. I'm impressed" He chuckled in disbelief. "I don't understand, there are so many girls out there that are already experienced and you still believe i could play Juliet?" I put on a serious face and a fake, soft English accent. "Why of course, look at you. You fit perfectly, not to mention your acting and drama skills are astounding." He continued. "Are you sur-" I was kicked under the table by both Chantelle and Chloe while Coach gave me 'the look'. "i mean, ugh. Absolutely!" I stuck out my hand for him to shake, Which he accepted. "So that's all of you." Coach began with a great big smile, ear to ear. "Chantelle's in a magazine just waiting for the agents to come calling in. Chloe's got her own gig in Perth in the next few months. And Harley's now going to be the main character of a famous love story co-staring with Leonardo DiCaprio!!" Coach's eyes swapped between all of us, Proud of how far we have come. "Wait, what...!!" My jaw dropped as well as my stomach. "Leonardo DiCaprio?!?!?" I screamed louder then ever. "Yes.. You didn't know?" Coach was surprised, while Chantelle and Chloe looked at each other and back at me with a hint of jealousy in there eyes. 

"Get a goodnight sleep. one more interview tomorrow and then 3 weeks of kicking back!.." Coach told us as she kissed us all on the foreheads before the left the room,closing the door behind her. I shut my eyes and imagined myself side by side with HIM. LEONARDO DICAPRIO. Then it hit me, Romeo+Juliet... A love story.. surely i get to kiss him at some point right?! My stomach felt the whole damn zoo, and my mind was going insane with millions of thoughts rushing through my head. But eventually, My eyes shut and i slowly drifted off into my dreams of all things sweet...


Tell me what you think. I've only had three reads so i'm probably talking to myself but i enjoy writing this, i hope you enjoy reading it just as much! xxx

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