14. Your Waiter Hits On You

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Niall leans back into his seat as the young waiter hits on you. He looks as though he has never had a girlfriend before, and seems to have had a boost of swag when you sat down. The waiter named Jimmy touched your hand while refilling your drink. "He's like twelve!" You laughed quietly once the boy had walked off. "Yeah, he seems to have a lot of swag with having nothing else to back it." Niall observed, looking over his bottle of beer when Jimmy returned for an unnecessary check up. "Yeah, we're good. Just bring us our check so I can take my girl home. If you know what I mean." Niall says, watching as the boy hurries off, blushing. "That was mean." You say as Niall pays for the meal. "He might be awkward but you're still my girl and he was still trying to score." Niall shrugs, leading you to the car.

Surprisingly, Louis keeps his calm as the waiter blatantly hit on you while taking your order. He just ignores Louis, only barely taking his order before giving you a wink and rushing off. You're impressed that Louis can keep his cool in these situations because you've seen other guys, and they just completely loose it sometimes. Maybe once, you just want him to loose it on the guy trying to take you home. Louis doesn't say anything for the rest of the dinner, not to you, and certainly not to the waiter. "You want a tip, here's one: learn some manners and don't hit on high paying customers girlfriends." He scribbles at the bottom of the check, snapping a picture so he can be the first one to tweet it.

"So, I think he thinks he's going to take you home." Liam said after the waiter slinks away, you quirk an eyebrow at him. "Really now?" You question. "Yeah, just watch when he comes back." Liam says sipping his beer. After the waiter graces your fingers with his while passing your drink to you, you turn to look at Liam's amused face. "Told you." He said and you just rolled your eyes. "Really man, right in front of me?" Liam asks, looking down at the man's number scribbled down on the bill. "She's not going to call you, so take this back." He says, signing his name and handing it back before leading you out of the restaurant.

The two of you were out on one of Zayn's rare days off having a nice dinner, which was also rare. You had dressed up nicely for the occasion but only wanting to look good for Zayn. So when your waiter started hitting on you, you immediately regretted your decision knowing Zayn was going to do something to him. As the obvious advances from the waiter kept coming, you just sat and questioned what Zayn was going to do to the man in your mind. You explained to Zayn that you dressed up nicely only for him because you always want to look good for him. He knew that your motives were only for him, yet he still sat is silence. When the check came, Zayn took the pen and the back of the receipt and started writing. You watched on smiling, knowing that his feelings weren't going to go unheard after all. As you got up to leave, you noticed that Zayn had tipped the man a rather large amount of money, larger than usual, but the note at the bottom gave the reasoning for the large tip. "Save this money, because the next time you hit on my girlfriend in front of me you're, going to need it to fix your face."

The waiter was fully aware of who the two of you were, and was clearly more interested in you than your famous boyfriend. He refilled your drink almost every time you took a sip and he continuously asked you if you needed anything, ignoring Harry completely. After not tipping him, the waiter confronts him about it. "You were a great waiter to my girlfriend. It's just too bad that she doesn't sign the check." He says before walking off with you.

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