39. Moving In Together

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Today was the day that you and Niall finally moved in together. For the past month you both had been house hunting for the perfect house that would become the home you shared and you'd finally found it. Niall was downstairs setting up the kitchen while you were upstairs unpacking some boxes. You came across a box that said 'Niall's stash'. You left the box aside as it was Niall's but when curiosity finally overcame you, you grabbed a Stanley Knife and cut the tape. The box opened and sure enough it was a stash of Niall's things. Not just any old things, sex things. You started taking stuff out and placing them on the ground. There was handcuffs, lube, flavoured condoms and even a whip. This boy had some kinks! You grabbed the handcuffs and took them into the kitchen where Niall was. You leaned against the door frame and started swinging the handcuffs on your pointer finger. "Does my sweet little innocent Nialler have a kinky side?" You asked innocently. "Wha- oh. I see you found the stash." Niall said hanging his head. You walked up to him and put your lips to his ear. "How about we go christen our house?" You softly smirked. "I like where this is going." He purred, pulling you upstairs.


"Louis! Where is the box that was in the front of the truck with me?" You asked from the top of the stairs. No reply. "Louis!" You called. Still no reply. You walked down the stairs when you heard Louis giggle. "Tomlinson, where are you?" You asked getting suspicious. "Lounge room babe." Louis finally said. You walked through the door and found your boyfriend looking in the box that you had misplaced. "Babe, I didn't know what you had such chubby cheeks!" Louis laughed. "Louis! That's the box I was looking for and the box you weren't  meant to find!" You exclaimed. "Come look at them with me babe!" Louis smiled. "Louis, we still have so much stuff to unpack. We don't even have a couch in here yet!" You sighed loudly. "Relax, moving is stressful so taking a break is on top of the to-do list. Now park your bum and look through these albums with me." Louis said pulling at your arm. "I guess you're right, but next time we're in Doncaster I'm looking at your baby photos!" You laughed. 


"That's it. We've moved in." Liam sighed happily. "I can't believe it. We've actually done it." You smiled sitting on the couch. "I know babe. And all this," Liam said gesturing to the house. "Is ours." You smiled up at Liam and cuddled into his side. For a while, you both just sat there in silence enjoying each others company in the house that you's now shared. "I suppose we should cook tea in our brand new kitchen." You said breaking the comfortable silence. "Then we can eat our tea in our brand new dining room." Liam smiled kissing your nose. "Then we can break in our brand new bedroom in a special way." You winked. "You're naughty." Liam chuckled. "Says you." You laughed getting up and running off into the kitchen. "Come back here!" Liam laughed getting up and following you. "You'll never take me alive!" You yelled. Liam finally caught up to you and picked you up and started spinning. "Liam! Liam Payne put me down!" You giggled. "Nope!" Liam laughed, kissing your nose.


"Move in with me." "What?" "Move in with me." "Zayn, it's all a bit sudden isn't it." "Yes but who cares. Move in with me, please." "Alright then. I'll move in with you." It all happened so quickly but you remembered every single second like it was happening. That day that Zayn asked you to move in with him. It was fast and it was sudden. You both were just teenagers back then but ten years and three children later you both are still living in the same house. It was the best decision you've ever made because it lead you to the live you have now and you wouldn't change any of it. "What are you thinking about, love?" Zayn asked softly into your ear. "When you asked me to move in with you." You smiled turning around to face your husband. "Thank you for being so sudden." You whispered and kissed him.


"Do you want to move in with me?" Harry asked. "Pardon?" You asked shocked. "I asked, do you want to move in with me. We can just move your stuff into my house now or we could get our own place." Harry smiled. "Yeah okay, I'd love to move in with you." You said kissing Harry's cheek. "Sorry it was all a bit quick but I don't think I could bare to not have you near me much longer." Harry sighed. "Aw Harry, you're so sweet." You smiled. "Like sugar." Harry winked. "Really Harry?" You rolled your eyes. "What?" Harry chuckled. "You're so cliche." You giggled. "You're not complaining." Harry said. "Let's just plan about what we're going to do, I mean this is a big step." You smiled, walking to grab your iPad to plan the move on.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2014 ⏰

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