38. Rebelliousness

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*Contains Drug References*


"Come on (Y/N), we won't get caught." Niall urged. "Niall, my parents are downstairs. They'll see us out of the window!" You whisper yelled. Niall wanted to go to his friend Olly's party with you which was just down the road but you were grounded and weren't allowed out. "(Y/N). I promise you that we won't get caught, I won't let you get caught. Now come on and I'll help you out the window." Niall smiled. It seems like a cliché thing to do but Niall insisted you went with him. "Fine but only because I love you." You smirked kissing his lips on your way out of the window. "Thank you!" Niall chuckled, following you out the window.


"Louis Tomlinson! What is this!?" You yelled walking into the lounge room with your laptop in your arms. "What's what, sweetie?" Louis asked from the couch. "Don't 'sweetie' me, Tomlinson. You and Zayn smoking joints." You fumed. "You know we smoke though?" Louis said confused, getting up. "I know but that isn't the point. It's the fact that you and Zayn were saying racial slur to the police officers who were trying to protect your ungrateful ass!" You yelled. "(Y/N) we were just being rebellious and -" "No Louis, there is no excuse. In fact, I'm leaving. Call me when you get you and your ungrateful life together." You sighed, cutting him off. You grabbed your car keys and walked out the door. You were leaving to a friends house until Louis got himself sorted out.


"Liam we shouldn't be up here." You sighed. Liam, Andy and Maz convinced you to go up to the top of the hotel that you all were staying at. "Relax babe, we won't fall." Liam smiled kissing your cheek. "We wouldn't put you in any danger but Liam on the other hand." Maz smirked pushing him softly. "Ass." Liam frowned to Maz. "Oi Liam, go stand on the ledge. It'd be a sick picture." Andy said getting his phone out. "Andy, really. That isn't helping the case." You rolled you eyes. "Just one picture then we'll leave." Liam smiled. He went and stood on the ledge so Andy could take the photo. "One for Twitter!" Andy said. He uploaded the photo and Twitter went crazy. "I told you that was a bad idea, besides, your fans are going to copy you." You said disappointed. "I was just being rebellious." Liam smirked. "You're an idiot." You smiled kissing him.


"After the break, One Direction's Zayn Malik has taken a step in the wrong direction after being snapped spraying graffiti on a public wall." The news reporter said. You looked over to Zayn who was looking at you with wide eyes. "Do you have something to tell me Zayn?" You asked slowly. "No..." Zayn dragged slowly. "What's your excuse now Zayn?" You interrogated. "It wasn't me!" Zayn defended. "Really Zayn? That is the worst excuse ever. There is a video of you doing it!" You said, raising your voice with every word. "(Y/N) I swear it wasn't me. Who are you going to believe, huh? That video is a CCTV dodgy video that has no proof it was me. You watch the video again and see if you can see any of my tattoos." Zayn said calmly. "I'm sorry Zayn. I really should've believed you. It's just, it did look like you." You sighed.


"Do it! Do it! Do it!" Harry and Ed chanted. You three were sitting around watching a random old movie on TV while Ed and Harry were smoking a hookah. They decided that you should try it out. "Really it's fine boys, I don't think I'll like it." You said shyly. "Bullshit, you'll love it!" Ed said puffing the smoke. "C'mon love." Harry urged. "Fine. I'll do it but no one finds out about this." You said sternly, grabbing the hose. The hits kept coming and so did the laughs. You, Harry and Ed were having a great laugh smoking the hookah. "Thank you for making me do this lads." You laughed, passing the hose to Harry. "Anytime love." Ed winked.

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