#35: IMPORTANT NOTE [Please read]

70 12 4

Saturday, 9:58 pm

Dear readers,

You must be wondering why I'm writing this late - instead of updating this book. Some might think I won't be updating soon, some think that I'm drifting away.

Am I?

Well, yes. I am drifting as a fan and i keep on failing you by my nonsense promises to update this book soon.

That got me thinking. Should I continue this book?

You know, we can't force something. Sometimes you have to sacrifice. How many times do I tried updating? I can't remember. It just saddens me that you might be tired of waiting. I've been in this place before. Almost planning to delete not only the book but my account. Especially when someone insults me and the boys. It hurts on my part too. I felt like I'm a useless fan.

I've been doing this for 4 years. And if you notice, this account just turned 4 this month.

So, going back to my question... Should I end this? Definitely, a NO. I'm sorry but you have to be patient and wait until I have time to update. This might bore you to death thinking that it's hard to wait (especially for someone who's not even yours. Kidding! That's deep) but I won't delete my account.

I became confident. Well, slight. I made stories which I wouldn't imagine doing. I gained trustworthy friends.

Wattpad became part of my life. My stress reliever. My home. I can't erase something important that fast. I love writing. I love reading some works and I definitely love talking to anyone about the stories I've been reading or Nu'est.

Just like Nu'est, Wattpad colors my life.

To sum it up, I won't delete this. I might be away though. I'll be focusing in my studies first. After updating all my drafts, I won't be opening my account. I'll try to visit. But don't have high hopes so you won't get disappointed and curse me to death.

Thank you for voting and adding my stories to your library. Additional thank you for following me ♥

This is the end of my letter, I hope you understand what I meant for this.

This isn't goodbye, I'll be back.

That's a promise that I won't break.

P. S. Belated Happy birthday to Ren! ♥♥♥

P. P. S. I love you all!

Sincerely yours,


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