As of now they are the leading group, having 36% of votePlease do vote for them. I dont have a link with me but you can search in google. You can vote using your facebook account. Once you've signed in, click the check on the right side of their group name and pic then click the 'red' one. It's written in hangul and I failed to remember it. All I remember is it starts at '투'
I do hope it can help you with that. The deadline is in December 5 (Monday) Korean Time. Please take time to vote. It's easy. This is the only nomination for them, I think, and their competitiors are all rookie (as what I've heard 'cause I don't know them.)
Anyway, have a good day! Sorry for being away! I'll try my best to update more.
Please 'vote' to let me know if you'll still at this book and 'comment' if you already voted.
I'm not usually demanding for votes because it's no use. I just want to clarify if someone's still looking for this book.
Again, have a nice day♡