Chapter 23

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Jayz on my feet!! xD Sorry lol #23 so yeahhhhh . Okayy Isabelle you are in this chap (: Im sorry to all the others who wanted the part,there will be others. I promise(;


Oka good,got sam back on my hayes.This will be easy,he love me.

I proseed my way to the upstairs bedroom where hayes and shylynn are talking.I knock on the door lightly,skylynn kisses hayes' cheek and walkes past me witha smile.

What was that about dude??

She needed my help with something,she was able to come to me when she needs me,unlike some people...

Hayes im sorry dude,i really am,its just that i really like sam.And i feel like if i dont protect sky than boys will be all over her and i wont be able to stop it.....

I know bro,thats how i feel,but i always have time for you and my friends.

Make a deal.......i spend time with all of yall and you forgive me...


I hugged him and he hugged me back,yes!!! I got my bae and my bro back.I must be awesome!! 



I was downstairs talking to sam,shes so nice.I want a girl like her.....

So where is your mom and dad sam?

Oh,hey are in LA.They just dont care about me...

Oh,im sorry.

Yeahh...but my sister gets treated like an angel...

Your sister?

Yeah,her names Isabelle.Shes nice and everything,but im so jeliouse of her! My mom an dad get her everything! She has a house here in New York,its a huge house.Do you want to meet her?

Uh y-umm *swallow* Sure

I know it must be heart breaking to see me and nash together,i felt like that a long time,ill set you seem like a nice guy. *Wink*

Thank you sam.You know exactly how i feel.....

I huged her,she did the same.I really hope this works out,i wonder what she looks like........Probably beautiful.I bet she looks a little like sam,there sisters,c'mon now....I bet we will be so in love...i hope she likes me.

Sam got her phone from her pocket and walked away calling her.I just sat there and smiled,i cant wait to meet her....She is most likley amazing,sweet,beautiful,funny.....I just dont know what to expect.


I called Isabelle.


hey sis?

Heyy sammie!! What are you doing calling me???

I have a surprize for you! A christmas present in fact!

Really? What is it?

More like whoo....its a guy

WHAT?? What does he look like? Whats his name? 

Ughh come see for yourself! Im at nash's,long story.....uhh here lemme give you an adress (Adress)

Okayy hank you sis ill be right over!


YAY!!!!!!!!! She is on her way! And cam wont be so lonley....I walked back to the living room where i found cam in a deep dayz.

Cam? Are ya dead?


Shes on her way!

OMG Sam i love you!!! Thank you!!

Just as he said that nash came down the stairs.

What did you say bro?

I old sam i love her ...LIKE A SISTER! im not like that bro you should know that!

Good....haha nahh just messing with you,i know your not.So whos coming over?

Her sister and my soon to be baby...

Sam explained it all to nash and we sat down to wait for her sis.Just as i was about to daydream about Isabelle again....there was a knock at the door.

Okay cliff hanger,ill update later today or maybe tomorrow((: Ohh and if you see this Isabelle...i need to know what you look like xDD so cameron can discribe it. Please tell me like basic info...Hair color and eye color,maybe what you normally wear? idk,just something to put in here.....And thank you all for over 4K !!! 

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