Chapter 31

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I opened my eyes,from the nap i had just took.....All i saw was Sam asleep in the bed.She was done? What time is it? I looked on my phone and i saw a new message,it read

"Hey nash! Its belle! Me and cameron came by but saw yall we asleep,so we will text ya later! Love youuuu<33" and i checked the time....It was 3:00am.Getting up out of my seat i walked carfully out of the door and down the hall till i saw a nurse.

"Exuse me nurse? May i ask a question?"
"Yes sir,anything"
"My girlfriend just had her baby,can i maybe go see it?"
"Sure! Come this way!"

She led me into a room with a bunch of small babies,they were so cute!! 
"Last name?"

She showed me the baby they kept in a  box-like bed.Her blue sparkely eyes glowed and her baby hands were in the air.I let out a few tears,that was my baby girl! My baby girl was laying right in front of me! The nurse let me have a moment with her and i stood there smiling like crazy.

"Hey baby girl,its daddy.....i hope you know that i love you so much right now,and that daddy will always be here with you.I remember when i saw that sparkel in your mammas eyes.It was the day we made you......Her eyes were full of sparkel and her smile showed the shine.Even though you wont ever remember this.....Daddy loves you so much,and im going to be the best damn father you have ever had...Or ever will have..haha yeahh,daddy can be weird sometimes."

Just as i said that,the nurse told me it was time to go,and i walked back to the door,blowing a kiss to the beautiful gift god has brang us.I walked back into the room me and sam was in....and saw that she was awake.

"hey baby" 
"I figured out what i want to name our daughter" i said smiling
"Really? What?
"Annabelle......Remember in starbucks,after we said you wanted a daughter named Anne..?"
"Awwww baby,you remember that??"
"Of corse! So,you like the name?"
"Its perfect Nash."

I walked over to her and kissed her head,i love her and the baby so very much...."

~~~~~We are going to skip to the part where they get out of the hospital,sam finally sees the bay and they get to take her home......Sam was told by nash to go in her room and try on her wedding dress and make sure it still fits.So she did~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(btw guys im sorry for skipping all that i just am too lazy to writ it all out x(( lol)

I zip up the dress and see that it is a perfect fit! Isabelle and Naysha are in there dresses making sure they fit for the wedding,They did! Yay!! Lol,Naysha walked me out of the room to show nash,he baught it so it doesnt matter if he sees it.

She holds my hand as we walk down the stairs carfully.As i reach the bottom i see Nash in his Cute tux and cameron,hayes,Nash's Dad,and will all lined up.Then on the other side i see Isabelle,Naysha,Skylynn,and Nash's mom all lined up.Am i still asleep? Or is this really happening?? I closed my eyes a moment and opened them to see Nash smiling like crazy.Looking over and seeing the seat rows. We were in the living room but he had moved everything out of the way i guess.Everyone sat down,and i could see Isabelle holding Annabelle.She had on a newborn white dress.It was so cute!!! Nash looked at me and cleared his throut preping to speak.

"We are gatherd here today to join Samantha Conner and Nash Grier in Marriage......Have you writen your own vows?"

"Nash and i nodd in agreement as he clears his throut....

"Sam,at the first time i have ever landed my eyes on you,your image,your grace,and your lovliness hasnt left my mind.You bring light to the dark on a rainy day.Your smile could light up the whole planet....I love you unconditionally and never will i stop.You are the deffenition of perfect,of beauty,and of kindness.When i have a bad day,i just think of you and how much i love you,suddenly my day gets better and that smile appears on my face once again.I know we are very young,and i know this may seem crazy.....but i love you with everything i have,and everything i own....You ARE my world.""

I began to cry,it was all i could do not to crawl in a hole and cry my eyes out.he was so passionate about this! I feel like my speach isnt going to over power his now....

"Nash,even though we have had our fights,our doubts,our concerns,i want you to know that i will never want another person to spend them with.When i think of you,i think of a big beautiful feild,flowers filling its sight and air.I imagine us laying in that feild,just us.....and thats when i are the one and only for me.your my batman to my robbin,my peanut butter to my jelly,and my forever and always soul mate.You bring the word love deffintion......You give my life meaning....I grew up in a broken home, with broken parents....and now i have a chance to be different,a chance to show them that they were wrong,and that i can be a way better parent then them.And you have braught me that chance,thank you....I love you so much it hurts...."

i said trying not to cry more.He wiped away my teasrs and sniffeled a bit.

"Okay Do you Nash Grier take Samantha Conner as your lofly wedded wife to have and to hold,to care for and to keep,throu sickness and in health,forever and always?"

"I do"

"Do you Samantha Conner take Nash Grier to be your lofly wedded husband to have and to hold,to care for and to keep,throu sickness and in health,forever and always?"
"I do"

Okay do you have to ring?" he asked hayes gave him the ring and he slipped it on my finger.

"I now pernounce you man and woman,and husband and wife,you may now kiss the bride!"

He leasned in ans kissed me like never before...i love him unconditionally too and i dint think we will be leaving anytime soon <33

"You're my superman Nash."
"And you're my Lois Lane" He told me kissing me again.

Okayy thats the last chap ): BUT I will try and do another,adding on to the story.If i can get 20 votes and maybe 5 comments i will do another story(((: Love you guys!! Thank you for all of the reads and support!!! You all are amaxing!<333

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