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Sophia's Point Of View Xx

I rummaged around my bag to find my door key before I left for school.

"Damn" I said before texting my mum.

I sure as hell hope she's in after school, it's cold as hell and I don't want to be waiting around for her.

The worst part is I can't even complain about my soon-to-become hypothermia because it'll just be my fault.

I zipped up my bag before saying goodbye to my brother and waiting by the bus stop.

I praised my memory because I realised mum had to be in today. Her boss Jonathan, his wife Ella and two kids were coming over for dinner.

I never understood why people invited their bosses round for dinner. My mum just got a promotion to Vice President of the company she works at and thinks in order for her to suck up to 'Jonathan' she needs to cook him and his family an awful dinner.

The bus flew around the corner as per usual. I could swear to you that bus  driver is never sober.

I sat in my usual corner at the back before anyone else got on and plugged in my earphones.

Right now I'm very twenty one pilots trash so I've had blurryface on repeat for the past week.

Nothing interesting ever happens on the bus.

Up until today.

I saw a tall, slim and tanned boy get on and walk towards the back where I was sitting immediately making me feel self-conscious.

No wonder, he has that effect on everyone.

That 'he' would be Charlie Cooper.

The only communication I ever have with him is eye-contact and it's almost always because I was looking at him first.

I don't like him or anything, I'm not close enough to him for that.

Although he is gorgeous, I feel as if we have silent beef for absolutely no reason whatsoever and so we tend to stay out of each others life's, which is obviously for the best. 

We used to talk, only sometimes and only small talk.

He sat in the corner at the back, like me, but in the opposite side.

He ran his fingers through his soft blonde hair and looked directly at me with his bright green eyes.

I instantly looked away with burning red cheeks.

The bus finally arrived at school and I dashed off.

I went straight to find my best friend Avery.

Avery and I weren't alike.
While I sat at home and preferred the company of my earphones and Netflix she went and actually socialised.

She was also stunningly gorgeous and even though they don't say it out loud people wonder why she's friends with me.

"Hey aves," I smiled which she returned.

"Hey." She replied half-hearted.

"What's up?" I asked.

Avery was always bubbly, the only time she wasn't was when something was wrong.

She looked on the ground before looking into my eyes, hers were filled with desperation.

"I miss him" she sulked before head butting her locker.

"Avery no, listen to me. He's not worth it. If you go running back to him your just handing him the satisfaction on a silver platter" I said.

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