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four-> guess who's pov lol y'all already know

lol im @ my mums work just eating life's great

I haven't spoken to my mum in two days.

Of course I gave her a chance to explain herself.

She said to me that Jonathan made her feel a certain way and she just felt right with him.

Then I kindly reminded her that she's married with a child, two to be exact and she told me she knew that but sometimes we fall in and out of love with people and all that bullshit.

Here's the deal, I never swear to, at or about anyone but on Saturday night when we got back from the Coopers I screamed blue murder.

Now I'm grounded.

I'm grounded because I told my mum I had a problem with her flirting with another man.

How idiotic.

Today was Monday which meant school and also maths.

Avery came down with the flu on the weekend so I walked to maths alone.

When I walked in I was first, as per usual.

Everyone else came in a few minutes after me. Freddie, Charlie's mate, decided it would be funny if he knocked my books off my table. As I went to pick them up someone's feet trampled all over them and I looked up to see who's.

Charlie looked at me with a devious smile before muttering idiot under his breath.

What the hell was his problem?

Miss asked me to hand out the rest of the text books and as I did my rounds I waited for a sarcastic comment from Freddie.

"How do you feel now averys not in, she's probably home to get away from you, I'd spend as much time away from you as possible if I were her" he snickers

"Yeah? maybe then you could work on some better and more insulting comments for me not give a fuck about" I spat throwing a book in his table.

Everyone went silent, I looked at the teacher who thankfully didn't hear.

"Wow, princess is cocky" Charlie piped up from the back.

"Yeah what is she bipolar, no wonder her dad left her" Freddie laughed looking at me directly.

I went mad.

I raised my hand and slapped him back to his mothers womb. In fact I slapped him so hard I think I felt a tooth come loose.

"My dad didn't leave me" I said in a venomous tone.

I threw the rest of the books on the table and sat down.

The teacher still saw nothing, the computer must've been so much more captivating than a fight in the middle of his class.

I stayed completely silent for the whole lesson and in fact most of the day.
It had finally come to the last bell and I went to my locker to grab my coat.

However I only managed to get half of it out before someone came along an slammed it shut.

"What the hell do you want?" I scowled.

"I wanted to apologise for maths I-"

"Save it Charlie, I thought we were actually gonna be friends but you didn't stick up for me at all then, in fact I can't believe I was so stupid to think we could even communicate" I sighed shutting my locker and walking away.

"I'm sorry and I want to be your friend I just can't because I well-"

"Why, would it harm your precious reputation. Then again that's on me because if people chat shit about Avery being my friend what are they gonna think about you" I shouted cutting him off again.

I can't believe I swore in public again, it's extremely out of character for me.

He grabbed me by the waist and turned me to face him, just as he did at his house a few days ago.

"I don't care what people think about me princess" he smiled pulling me in close.

The word princess made my hair stand on ends, he had no right to call me that. Not that he did anyways

I leaned in closer too, right up towards his ear and whispered in it.

"You don't deserve that privilege anymore"

I pulled out of his grip and walked away.

Yet he still continued to follow me out of school.

"For gods sake Soph, why can't you just accept the fact I wanna be your friend!" He shouted trying to catch up.

"That's the thing Charlie, you don't want to be my friend, your just gonna pretend to be so you can be the one who took advantage of a dumb, naïve little girl. After that I'll be thrown in the pile of all the other whores you've wanted a 'true and meaningful' friendship with." I said storming away from him, turning the right corners to get home.

"I do wanna be friends with you, you don't get it!" He sighed in defeat.

"Of course I get it, you know why? It's because your just like your dad, I should've know that after he was trying to make a move on my MARRIED MOTHER" I shouted elongating the last part.

"I'm nothing like my dad!" He spat back.

I groaned and quickened my pace.

I don't understand why he can't leave me be.

"You know if you really want to be friends with me," I said stopping outside my house. "Stalking me home to prove a point isn't the way to go"

With that I walked into my house and slammed the door on him.

"Sophia I have something to tell you," my mum said standing from the sofa.

"I'm really not in the mood and I presume if it's coming from you it can wait." I said bluntly walking upstairs.

"This is important" she pleaded.

"What!" I shouted going to the bottom of the stairs.

"Your dads escaped from prison."

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