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eleven-> sophias pov


As soon as I got home I changed into my comfy clothes and took my makeup off.

"I'm going out" I shouted to my mum, who was in the garden.

"Where?" She asked


I accidentally slammed the door behind me as I left.

I dialled Freddie's number on my phone.

"Meet me at the hospital."

"Why, what's up?" He asked, worried.

"Nothing just meet me there."

He agreed and ended the call.

After a long and wet trek to the hospital, I saw Freddie inside the lobby.

"Are you gonna explain now or?-"

I pushed past him and went to the receptionist.

"Charlie Cooper please."

"Are you family?" She said, eyeing me and a nervous Freddie up.

"This is his brother and I'm his girlfriend." I lied.

She nodded and flicked through a book until she found his name and told us which ward he was in.

We jumped into the lift alone.

"Your coming with me to see Charlie." I said to Freddie.

"No shit."

"Listen please help me out, I really want to see how he's doing but I wasn't sure if I could do it on my own." I pleaded.

He gave a half-hearted smile and nodded before there was a long and awkward silence.

"So are you actually going out with him?" He said breaking it.

"Oh, no." I said looking down.

We finally got the the ward and I started to feel sick. Freddie sensed it and held my side.

The nurse in the ward directed us to his room and left us alone.

Charlie looked completely lifeless and pale, he was just laying there unconscious.

The only noise in the room was his heart monitor.

"Hey, um Freddie can you give me a minute." I croaked feeling a tear prick my eye.

He nodded and left.

I sat down next to him and picked up his hand.

"Charlie, I don't know if you can hear me." I started beginning to tear up "if you can please wake up, please."

I felt weird speaking to him, he wasn't dead but at the same time it didn't feel like he was alive either.

"I really miss you, so does Freddie. He's outside now, I just thought it would be embarrassing if he heard this. See Cooper, I'm not one for admitting my feelings too easy and neither are you. We're complete polar opposite drawn together. The past few weeks have been some of my most enjoyable and I want to thank you for those."

"But just because your, well here, doesn't mean I wanna stop spending time with you. I promise that I'll visit you everyday until you leave and I swear to you'll I'll keep it. You need to make a promise to me too though. You have to promise your gonna pull through, I know you can do it"

I looked back at the monitor, still following the same pattern.

"Wake up Charlie, please wake up" I whispered.

"I guess there's always a bright side in times like these. The only good thing about this situation is that you won't hear this."

"I don't want to loose you again, I can't because at the end of the day I feel like I'm running after you, I'm chasing you Charlie Cooper."

I began to sob, I lessened my grip on his cold, dead hand.

"You can't leave me Cooper, who's gonna piss me off 24/7?, who am I gonna chase around in my muddy garden?, who am I gonna almost kiss? I'm only realising now something that I should've realised a long time ago. One, I really really want to kiss you. That's inevitable though and you probably already know that. Two, I really love it when you call me princess even thought it's a totally cliché nickname."

"Finally, I think I'm falling for you Cooper."

"I also think this is a totally inappropriate place to admit it but hopefully, if you can hear me you'll forget that I said that."

"Just please come back to me cooper," I said with a tear rolling down my cheek.

"I don't know what I'd do without you"

freddies pov

As I left, I pushed myself up by the door to see if she was okay. Sophia was taking to herself.

I feel bad for her, Charlie meant a lot to her. He still does, in fact he always will.

"The only good thing about this situation is that you won't hear this." I heard her lightly chuckle.

As she continued to speak I felt my stomach start to flip and my vision blurred with tears.

Ever since the other day, I've found myself starting to like her.

I hope after this passes over and Charlie gets better he can help me tell her.

"I really love it when you call me princess."

I felt tears of my own fall down my cheek.

"Finally, I think I'm falling for you Cooper."

Those words rang throughout my head.

My heart sank in my chest and I felt myself become flustered.

I slid down the door and sat in a ball, more and more tears started falling down my face and down my shirt.

I tried to compose myself and went back inside the room.

sophias pov

Freddie finally came back in, his face was wet from crying.

I walked over to him and nuzzled into his chest, wrapping my arms around him, he returned the hug.

"Do you want to leave?" I asked.

He nodded and we left both walking home in a comfortable silence.

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