Chapter 6 - Manic Monday

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Lana felt like she was experiencing the hangover from hell; only, this one was caused from a depressing weekend full of tears and not from an empty bottle of Patrón. She slid her sunglasses over her eyes as she climbed into her Jeep. The bright sunshine and summer breeze served to worsen her mood. How dare the world carry on as if she hadn't had her future torn to shreds just three days ago?

Work would be a welcome distraction from the current drama of her life, although she was sure Kinsey would push for details. She had avoided her best friend all weekend, not ready to discuss her feelings about her night with the handsome fireman or her dramatic break-up with Jason. She wasn't sure which experience had left her feeling more unhinged. She was leaning toward her fantasy evening with the stranger, since she couldn't close her eyes without flashes of that night filling her mind.

She sighed as she parked her Jeep in front of the travel agency where she worked with Kinsey. Life's a Trip Travel Agency had been the brain child of both girls, but Kinsey was the one who deserved the credit for their business - at least in Lana's opinion. It had started as a project idea when they were college roommates. Kinsey had to create a portfolio using a fictitious business for her senior graphic design class. She created a logo, letterhead, informational brochures, and business cards. When she put her name and Lana's name on the business cards, it had been as a simple joke; but the more the girls discussed the possibility, the more they began to dream of returning to Hanover and opening their own business for real. When Kinsey got an A on her project, she became more convinced they were destined to go into business. She spent hours creating a user-friendly website, and the girls started booking vacations for clients before the semester was over. Lana's business degree had helped them create a solid business plan and secure a business loan, but Kinsey's infectious excitement and faith in their success kept Lana from dismissing their idea as nothing more than a pipe dream. A month after graduation, their brick-and-mortar store front opened, to the excitement of the Hanover locals. The girls had just completed their first full year at the location. They were already operating at a profit, and Lana and Kinsey were thrilled.

In spite of her pounding headache, Lana smiled as she remembered the day they first opened their store. She grabbed her coffee and exited the Jeep, kicking her door shut with her foot. When she entered the travel agency, the front door jingled, and a pouting Kinsey glared at her.

"She lives!" Kinsey cheered sarcastically.

"I don't want to talk about it, Kins," Lana muttered. She walked to her desk and placed her travel coffee mug next to her computer. Sinking into her seat, she groaned in frustration. Kinsey just watched expectantly, knowing that despite Lana's protesting, she would begin spilling her guts to fill the empty silence. Lana hated unfilled silence. She'd rather have an awkward heart-to-heart than sit in a quiet room just staring at someone. Even when alone, she tended to want background noise, unlike Kinsey, who adored the quiet.

"I broke things off with Jase," Lana finally muttered.

"I figured as much," Kinsey responded mildly. She waited for Lana to continue.

"He didn't take it well. Said it was a one-time thing....big mistake...never happen again." Lana rolled her eyes. "I think he's sleeping next door with the skank that cheated with him."

Kinsey stood and walked across the room. She sat on Lana's desk and placed her hand encouragingly on her shoulder.

"Aww, honey. Is that why you left early the other night?"

Lana blushed involuntarily. "Umm, no," she murmured.

Kinsey's eyes widened, and her jaw dropped.

"Did you hook up with someone?!" she squealed. "Who was it? Do I know him?" Her eyebrows suddenly furrowed as she had an unpleasant thought. "Did you sleep with Jason?!?!" she demanded.

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