Chapter 10- Click

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Emily's pov

"What do you mean we can't do anything about this?" Emily hissed quietly through the phone, so JJ , who was in the other room, didn't hear.

The Unsub had left 100 pictures of the couple at the diner, in the box. Along with the note, it confirmed that the unsub was closely watching their activity in the town.

That also confirmed that they still had no idea who the Unsub was, and when they were to strike.

"Emily, this is a new signature that the unsub just left you. She didn't make much, or any contact with the victims till now, starting with you. We have to let this play out," Hotch said sternly.

"But you took our gun and badge away, how am I supposed to protect us?"

"I don't know Emily. You'll have to be extra cautious, and don't go out too late at night. It looks like you'll be there longer, until the Unsub makes her move. Emily, we are always tracking you. We won't let anything happen, we promise," He  said quietly.

Emily rubbed her temple with her free hand, and sighed. She said goodbye to Hotch and turned her phone off.

"Em, what are we going to do?"

JJ was leaning against the doorway, arms crossed, a concerned look etched on her face.

"I don't know Jayje, just wait it out. Hotch said just to wait it out, till the unsub makes a move,".

JJ blinked, and held her arms out, open to Emily. Gratefully, Emily folded herself into JJ, and listened to her heart beat. JJ rubbed her back, and Emily held her tight.

Yes, they  were tough FBI profilers, and they had been through  a lot. But you can't always stay glued together, especially when they  threaten the one who has your heart.


While JJ took a nap, Emily was feverishly flipping through the photos, trying to piece the meaning of it together.

There was a 100 photos, all from different angles, side of JJ's face, front of Emily's face, etc. The photos were grainy, as if from a older camera, a Polaroid maybe.

Emily racked her brain, and tried to put herself back into the situation. What she needed was a cognitive interview, but she wasn't going to have one with JJ asleep.

Instead, she closed her eyes, and sat back in the wooden chair. She took deep breathes, and put herself back into the diner.

"Okay.. okay. It's hot, and crowded. JJ is across from me, and she has a cup of coffee in front of her. There are no seats behind me, because I'm in a corner. I have a cup of ice water in front of me, along with napkins, and a tray of salt, pepper, and sugar packets. To the right of me, there is an old couple, and three teenagers, boys, at the counter. In the booth behind JJ there is a woman, with dark sunglasses on, and red lipstick. She has her purse across the table, because she said someone was coming, loudly to the waiter, several times. When she paid, she handed the waiter her credit card, and he dropped it on the ground, right by JJ. I bent over and picked it up, reading it, I saw the  last name Waters. I handed it the waiter, and the woman threw cash on the table, grabbed the credit card, and hurried out the diner, camera around her neck. Wait- "

Emily's eyes snapped open.  It finally clicked, she had a last name of who the woman was, burned into her head.

She fumbled for her phone,  clumsily pressing the number she needed.

"Garcia, look up the last name Waters for a woman in this area," she said breathlessly.

JJ's pov

JJ couldn't nap.

She was too wound up, tossing and turning, her mind stuck on the Unsub. She wanted to protect Emily, but she couldn't, because she didn't know who it was.

After an hour of trying to sleep, the door to the bedroom flew open, and a disheveled Emily ran in.

She had her hair in the usually slick ponytail, and had her phone on her ear.

She loomed over JJ, eyes bright.

"JJ I remembered ! I got the last name, Garcia has me on hold now as she runs it through Vicap!" Emily blurted out.

Energy and relief flooded through JJ, and she immediately sat up, kicking off the blankets, grabbing Emily in a hug.

"I can't believe it! I can't believed you, thank god-" She was cut off, as Garcia started talking.

"Okay my sweets, I found the Unsub. Amanda Waters, 28. She's lived here her whole life, and has a criminal record. A weird one, I must say. She vandalized girls homes- I'm going to presume lesbian girls. She also has one aggravated assault record, for attacking a female classmate during school with scissors. Yikes".

Emily and JJ locked eyes. JJ leaned in and caught Emily in a kiss, a delicate one. It was a small victory to know who the Unsub is, but it was a big one to the undercover agents.

Emily pulled away, kissed JJ one more time, and started to ask Garcia a question.

"Garcia what about-"

The phone suddenly cut off, flashing a "NO SIGNAL" message on it.

Darkness followed, as the lights went out.

Emily jumped, phone falling to the ground. JJ instinctively reached for her gun, but of course it wasn't there.

Emily stood up, and grabbed the non-working lamp next to the bed , and slowly walked to the door. She turned around, and motioned for JJ to stay there.

"Emily, don't-" JJ hissed, quickly kneeling on the bed, but it was too late.

Just as Emily got to the doorframe, an object swooped out, and caught Emily on the head, knocking her down, the lamp clattering to the floor next to her.

JJ yelped and without thinking, ran to Emily's body on the floor.

And just as she did, she was knocked out by the same object.

Yikes it's going downnnn

Since this was a long chapter, next update will be in the next 2-3 days I promise !!!!

I hope you are all enjoying this!

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