Chapter four.

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*Sometimes you fall in love with someone else, knowing its wrong*


Mike's POV

I help Sara to her feet, and we begin to run to my car. It's now 11pm at night, I open Sara's door, as I am a gentleman, I close her door and rush to mine starting the car and speeding off,

''So'' I say breaking the silence.

''You should get me to a hospital, I just got my chest cut'' Sara said

''You're chest can wait, Eleven cannot'' I say

''Eleven can fight for herself! I cannot, please Mike'' Sara begs

''Fine'' I say making a U-turn almost crashing into a car.

''Bloody idiot!!'' The man yells honking his horn.

We drive down the 401 and into the woods, as it's a short cut to the hospital. ''Can you please put on the radio?'' Sara asked

''Sure'' I say putting on Country 105.

''I hate country'' Sara said

''Deal with it'' I laugh as Carrie underwood's Jesus take the wheel song comes on.

''This actually isn't that bad, neither are you'' Sara says, causing me to tilt my head and blush. I look into Sara's eyes. They're blue,

''MIKE!'' Sara screams at me, and we crash into the van in front of us, and everything goes white.

                                                                       //I loved you//

''Please don't do this'' Eleven cried sitting tied to a chair

''Forget Mike, and come with me! Or ill kill your children'' Negan laughs

'I wont give my family up! Not to you'' Eleven says

Negan goes to kill Eleven

''No!'' Eleven yells spitting in his face. Negan falls back.

''You bitch'' Negan snaps

''Stay the hell away from me! I have a husband'' Eleven said

''What would you do, if I removed your memory?'' Negan asked

''Only I have that ability'' Eleven said

''Really?'' Negan asked placing his hands to Eleven's temples.

''No, Don't do this. Please Negan!'' Eleven cries as Negan finds a memory of Mike and her meeting for the first time.

''Gone'' Negan said erasing the memory

He releases from Eleven's head. 'Who's was that?'' Negan laughed

''I..I don't know'' Eleven sighed.


Kate's POV

I run to the window, unable to see anything as it's about midnight. I look around to see if Abbi has walked home. I'm still trapped.

''Abbi! Dad'' I yell hoping for a reply. But its silent, then I hear a voice.

''Over here'' The boy said

''Army, is that you?'' I ask

''Yes, follow me'' He said.


I open my eyes, after like three hours. I see Sara on the hood of the car, the windshield smashed out and the car in front of us gone. I look down and see the airbag, and blood all over. I then jump out of my SUV and run to Sara. Her face is cut up, her stomach bleeding. I run back to the car and pull out my phone, it's barley cracked. I call 911 instantly.

After half hour, it feels like the ambulance Arrives and carry's Sara and I to the nearest ER and we get in instantly, Sara being taken to surgery.

''Are you okay?'' A man asked ''Sir, Sir'' He asked trying to get me to focus

''Sorry, I feel sick'' I answer, then throw up.

''Get a bed, we need to check this guy's stomach'' The doctor said

''I need your name'' A nurse cried ''I'm Meredith, Meredith Grey'' She tells me

''I'm Mike'' I answer looking at the white sky, then pass out.


''It look's like there's glass in his stomach'' Meredith says

''Then get it out'' Owen the male doctor said

{They do Surgery on me}


''She isn't responding'' The woman said

''Try again!'' Nancy said ''I cant let her die''

''We have tried 10 times, she's gone...'' The man said ''I'm deeply sorry.

Nancy looked down and held Lou's hand.

''Ill never ever forget you!'' Nancy cried as a tear hit Lou's cheek.

Lou lied quiet. ''Your in a better place.''

The doctors and nurses take the cords and tape from Lou's body, and place a blanket over her body.... Now dead.

Saturday November 5th the next day.

I wake up, my eyes opened, and I look to see Meredith sitting in the chair beside me.

''Where's Sara?'' I say concerned

''Your friend, oh she's beside you'' Meredith said

I look over and see Sara asleep in the bed one over.

''I saw a ring on her finger, you're lucky'' Meredith said

''Oh, I'm.. I'm not hers'' I said

''Why do you sound disappointed?'' Meredith asked

'Cause maybe a little bit of me like's her'' I admit

Meredith giggles. ''Who's your wife?''

''She's not with us right now, she's kind of under a trans''  I say

''Then why are you with this girl other than your wife?'' Meredith asked

''Enough questions'' I say walking over to Sara.

''Careful'' Meredith said exiting the room.

I grab Sara's hand.


''Goodbye Mike!'' Eleven cried as Negan erased the last existing memory of him from her brain.


''Sara...'' Mike asked lowering himself looking at her face as she was asleep.

Mike knew what he felt was wrong, but he could also feel Eleven was gone. and she wasn't coming back. Mike stood, and placed his lips softly to Sara's.

Sara slowly opened her eyes, and smiled. Not allowing Mike to know she was awake.

Mike released from the kiss, and then a tear came to his eyes. ''I forgive you...''


*I know that you all hate me :( I'm gonna get a lot of hate, and probably loose a lot of fans now because of this, but Eleven doesn't remember Mike, and Lou has passed away.

I'm very sorry that Mileven is over. Pls don't be too harsh :(

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