Chapter one: the nightmare

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No one's P.O.V

Shima tossed and turned in her sleep, over and over, she groaned and started crying and screaming. she finally fell off of her bed. 

shima: OOF! *pants* i-it was just a dream... thank goodness...

want to know what her nightmare was about? don't lie i know you guys do, so here you go!

in the nightmare:

Shima: huh? h-hello? anyone there? *stands up and looks around the dark room* w-where am i?

suddenly she starts having flashbacks of when she was bullied in middle school. beating after beating... she watched her younger self be beaten bloody and couldn't do anything. she finally screamed and jumped at the images and they faded away and through the mist, she saw lizzy, the girl who had made her life miserable, standing there with a taunting, smug face "oh why, hello shima? oh dear you look a little pale. looks like you really are just a "scaredy cat" shima." shima glared at her "leave me be lizzy." shima growled. "ooh big talk pussy cat, but i'll see you at school. bye kitty!" and with that she disappeared and was replaced by dolan. "d-dolan? why are you here?"  she said as she crept forward. suddenly black figures started appearing and attacking her "SHIMA!" dolan cried out as he started fighting off the monsters, but he was out numbered... soon dolan was being beaten bloody... suddenly they were gone. leaving her in front of his lifeless body. "DOLAN!! NO!" she screamed and crawled forward. she looked down and his hat floated down and landed in her paw.

then it ended. she woke up.

back in real life:

shima got up and slowly looked at her clock.

shima: i should probably get ready for school... it is my first day... 

shima brushes her teeth, grooms her fur, eats breakfast and changes into her classic salmon pink dress that dolan gave her a long time ago. as she walks down stairs she grabs her backpack and pulls out her phone.

*bing!* (it was a text from dolan. )  (D for dolan and S for shima)

D : hey r u ready to walk to school?

S : yes when r u coming?

D: im 2 mins away be there soon

S: k! see u then!

shima put down her phone and walked toward the door

*KNOCK KNOCK* shima opened the door to see dolan's smiling face.

dolan: ready to go?

shima: yep lets go!

as shima and dolan walked to the school they passed a dark alley and a big dark man stepped out and grabbed shima.

shima: EEEK!! DOLAN HELP!!

dolan: SHIMA! LET HER GO! *kicks man in the face*

mysterious man: groan... *faints*

dolan: *grabs shima and carries her bridal style to the schoolyard*

shima: d-dolan? y-you can put me d-down *blushing like a tomato*

dolan: o-oh yeah.. r-right sorry.. *blushes*

HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED! this was my first story! i will try to update soon! BOI BOI!

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