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I gaze at my reflection expecting to see

what people see

In the end all I see is me,

Every flaw, every flaw, everything no one else sees

Everyone sees what they want to see

An image of the person they hope or expect me to be

But that's not me

The real me is not scared to tell you to fuck off

The real me is not scared to be alone

The real me embraces all of me all the good and bad and unnoticed parts

The real me is the me no one else sees

The stage me is the proper funny girl that everyone wants to be around

The one that's always strong for people who don't deserve

The one that's always there when everyone need them

The one that faces many problems alone whether out of fear of being exposed or becoming attached

The one that keeps an arms length around everyone

I gaze at myself and find myself in a warped haze

A conflicting vision between who I see and who I am

Two complete opposites that somehow merge into one

The haze lifts as I realize that I am a person who is in control of their own life

A person with a choice

A person who plays the fool to fool the fool

A person who sees reality but chooses to live in a fantasy land

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