Chapter 2

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What did Cas mean by that? Perdition- as in, eternal damnation, like Hell? Was Dean in Hell? How did he get there?

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Dean said, "yeah, thanks for that," and stabbed Cas.

"NO!" I ran out from my hiding place. Why did Dean stab Cas? It didn't matter much anyway, though, because then Cas pulled the knife out and dropped it on the ground. Dean looked shocked that the knife hadn't worked and that I was there.

Suddenly, Bobby swung at Cas with a knife. Cas grabbed the knife and touched Bobby's forehead with his index and forefinger, similar to how he brought me back in time, but this time Bobby fell to the ground unconscious. Then Cas walked over to me, did the same thing again, and I blacked out.

When I came to, Cas was gone and Bobby was also conscious again. Him and Dean were both staring at me.

"Uh, hi," I said, as I tried to get up from the ground.

"Stay where you are and tell us your name. Why are you here? Did you follow us?" Dean said, pointing a gun at me.

"Uh, I'm Sam. And I didn't follow you. I-" I was interrupted as my phone started playing, "Carry On Wayward Son."

"Can I answer this?" I asked.

"Go ahead."

I answered the call, "Hey, Dad."

"Sammy, where are you? Cas says he didn't see you leave, I've been really worried." Dean-from the future- said.

"Sorry I didn't leave a note, Dad, but Cas brought me back in time."

"Wait-Did you say someone brought you back in time? How? Who are you?" Dean from the past asked.

"Back in time? Where? Are you okay? Did anyone see you?" Dean said over the phone.

"I'm in Illinois, and I'm fine, but I'm with you and Bobby."

"You're with Bobby?" Dean said, voice filled emotion.

"Yeah, also, Cas from the past was just here and he said he 'raised you from perdition,' what does that mean?"

Dean sighed. "I'll explain later, I gotta go yell at Cas for doing this..." I heard him yell, "CAS!" as he hung up.

"What the hell is going on?" Dean asked after I hung up.

"Beats me," Bobby replied.

"Do you know what's going on here?" Dean asked me.

"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me."

"Try me."

"Uh... My dad brought me back in time." I said, wondering what their response would be, and if they would believe me.

"Brought you back in time? How?" Bobby asked.

"Well... he's... my dad's kind of... he's an angel."

"An angel? Like Castiel?"

"Exactly like Castiel."

"What does that mean? Who is your other parent? Where do you live? When are you from?"

"I live in Lebanon, Kansas, in the year 2040."

"Answer the other question! What are your parents names?"

"Fine. My parents are the angel Castiel and... and you." I said, nervous to Dean's response.

"What? What do you mean? .... How does that work?"

"I'm adopted, if that's what you mean."

"Well Dean, if this kid's telling the truth, that means you get to leave. You get an apple pie life." Bobby said to Dean.

"What do you mean, leave? Leave what?"

"So I don't tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"My brother and I are hunters. Monsters are real, and we hunt them. We also hunt demons."

"Really? You hunt monsters? That's cool!" That must be  why Dad came home beaten up yesterday. I thought.

"That's one way of thinking about it. Hey, you should come with us. I mean, this barn is out in the middle of nowhere, and you said you didn't come here in a DeLorean."

I followed them out of the barn to a car that was presumably Bobby's because I didn't recognize it.

"By the way, where's Sam?" I asked as I got into the car.

"He said he took the Impala to get a burger because he couldn't sleep."

"That doesn't sound like him."

"Does it?"

"Yeah, isn't he a total health nut?"

"You're right. I'll call him."

"No you won't if you're going to drive." Bobby said.

"I'll put him on speaker," Dean said, as he dialed Sam's number. When he picked up, Dean said, "Hey Sammy, where are you? Don't say getting a burger."


"Tell me where you are, Sammy, or I swear..."

"All right, I'm at the diner. With Ruby." Sam confessed.

"With Ruby? Sam, are you using your powers?"

"What powers?" I interjected. I never heard of Uncle Sam having any powers. Then again, I never knew that Sam and Dean were hunting monsters.

"Who's that?" Sam asked.

"Sam, this is Sam Jr., my son from the future."

"That's great, Dean! But how did he get here?" Sam said.

"An angel brought me back in time." I said.

"An angel? But they aren't real, are they?"

"It's what pulled me out of Hell." Dean answered.

"Okay, so Angels are real. What should we do?"

"Well, the angel I met said God has a job for us. That's why he pulled me out." Dean said.

"What kind of job?"

"He didn't say."

"Let's meet up at the motel. Then we can talk more about this." Then Sam hung up.

"He never said if he was using his powers." Dean commented.

"That idjit!" Bobby said.

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