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⠀⠀yoongi's sound sleep wasn't interrupted by the sound of his bedroom door opening as it usually was. unfortunate for yoongi, his room was connected to the only bathroom with a shower in it, resulting in him usually being woken up when his door was open. of course namjoon's bathroom has a tub in it but namjoon didn't like taking bathes.

⠀⠀today seemed to be different, when namjoon entered the room, yoongi didn't stir in the slightest. namjoon found this to be a little weird but knowing that his friend didn't get much sleep in general, he decided to enter the bathroom without waking yoongi. after a decent shower, namjoon exited the bathroom with a towel around his waist to see yoongi still asleep in bed.

⠀⠀this was starting to worry namjoon. usually yoongi would awake at any sound or movement in his room, this was also why the two didn't own a cat or dog.

⠀⠀that and the fact that namjoon was allergic to both cats and dogs.

⠀⠀anyway, namjoon made his way to yoongi's bed and shook the sleeping boys shoulder ever so slightly. when yoongi didn't react, namjoon shook with a little more force.

⠀⠀"mingi, wake up," namjoon called softly, desperation was starting to get the best of him. mingi was a nickname namjoon had for yoongi ever since they were young, yoongi hated the nickname but allowed namjoon to continue calling him it. suddenly yoongi sat up with a jerk, instantly bumping heads with namjoon.

⠀⠀"ow what the hell," yoongi groaned rubbing his sore forehead. namjoon rubbed his own forehead, feeling a pang of relief knowing yoongi was awake.

⠀⠀"sleeping beauty is finally awake," namjoon said, smiling at his disheveled friend.

⠀⠀"you must be prince charming then," yoongi grumbled, unhappy about being woken up from such a perfect sleep. grabbing his phone from the nightstand besides his bed, yoongi leaned back into his pillows that propped him up.

⠀⠀"i should have woken you with a kiss then," namjoon said, earning a disgusted look from yoongi before he turned his attention back to his phone. after a short silence, yoongi put down his phone and stretched his limbs.

⠀⠀"so are you gonna stay until the new neighbors get here?" yoongi asked, knowing namjoon usually worked in the early portion of the morning.

⠀⠀"i told you yesterday but that's the plan, i also invited some of the other neighbors to help in welcoming the new comers," namjoon said, yoongi was less than happy about this.

⠀⠀"are you gonna wear that to meet the new comers?" yoongi asked referring to the fact that namjoon was only wearing a towel around his waist.

⠀⠀"no but i know you'd like that," namjoon said with a wink. yoongi rolled his eyes but there was no point in denying his statement. believe it or not namjoon and yoongi had dated once upon a time, their freshman year of secondary school was full of new experiences for the two. after about three months of dating the two decided to just be friends because of how awkward the two felt.

⠀⠀"wait you said you invited others?" yoongi asked, breaking his thoughts away from their past relationship and to the incident at hand.

⠀⠀there were about 6 rooms on every floor of the apartment complex. on the floor yoongi lived in, 4 of the 6 rooms were occupied and after today, 5 would be.

⠀⠀room 401, an empty room, seokjin sometimes let yoongi use the room as a thinking space but only to keep him off of the roof.

⠀⠀room 402, 1 occupant, name jordan hong also known as hong jaerin. she moved in about 6 months after yoongi and namjoon. immediately after she had moved all her stuff in, yoongi had noticed that jaerin spent more time in the hallway with all her books and papers than in her own room. seokjin told her that sitting in the hall was unsettling to the other guests on the floor but she didn't see the problem therefore kept with her routine. jaerin also owned a cat named yein that often thought it was okay to walk the floor meow in front of everyone's doors. nothing was done about that problem either.

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