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⠀⠀showering was easy. all yoongi had to do was use little energy to stand in the small tiled shower and use the washcloth he always used to wash whatever was on his body, off. after properly washing his body and hair, yoongi exited the tiled shower and dried himself with his towel before wrapping it around his waist and looking in the mirror.

⠀⠀yoongi considered himself to be average in the looks department. analyzing his face in the mirror he was just glad he didn't have acne scars like most his age would. of course he never thought there was anything wrong with acne scars, he just found himself to be lucky that the phase of his life in which they could have developed, passed. his skin was fair and soft, like a porcelain doll, although yoongi hated when people referred to him as one, he knew it was true.

⠀⠀his face was plain and sometimes he thought of getting a nose ring or even a lip piercing to liven things up a bit but never went through with it. he just stuck with ear piercings, which he had a various amount of. an industrial bar took up most of the space on his right ear along with a standard and upper lobe piercing, three helix's sat above the industrial bar while below sat a snug and an orbital. his left ear held a standard and upper lobe piercing, a transverse lobe piercing, as well as a tragus, daith, rook, forward helix, three helix's and an orbital.

⠀⠀after turning his attention away from his ears, yoongi moved on to his daily moisturizer. the thing that kept the blemishes away and the smooth to stay. having successfully washed his face, yoongi grabbed the comb that sat on the bathroom sink and began to comb the short hair he has as he exited the bathroom. yoongi was done with his hair as he reached his closet, tossing the comb to his bed, yoongi stepped back to survey the contents of his closet.

⠀⠀it wasn't a very colorful scene, mostly cold colors with maybe a few white or pastel colored shirts thrown into the mix because namjoon insisted he buy them for the summer or just around the house. yoongi reached the mess of clothing and pulled out a pair of light blue skinny jeans, nodded at them, and then threw them to the bed. now for a shirt, yoongi couldn't decide between a warm or cold colored shirt but after deciding that warm colors weren't really his thing, he reached in and picked out a black t-shirt that had the name "min" printed on it in white in the middle. seokjin had gotten him this shirt for his recent birthday and despite having not worn it often, he did like it. shirt in hand, yoongi headed over to his dresser where he pulled out a pair of socks and boxer briefs he would wear.

⠀⠀as yoongi was putting on the clothing he had picked up, his phone began to ring. the tone startled him ever so slightly but sighing, yoongi picked up the phone already knowing who it was.

⠀⠀"yes seokjin?" yoongi said as he answered the phone.

⠀⠀"hey the neighbors are heading up now, are you with the others?" seokjin said sounding fairly nervous. yoongi put the phone on speaker and placed it on his bed as he pulled his shirt over his head.

⠀⠀"i'm about to head out to them, tell me about the new comers though," yoongi said, settling his shirt into place before picking up the phone once more.

⠀⠀"okay so they're two guys names park jimin and jeon jungkook, jimin is your age 23 and jungkook is about 20. jimin is finished with school but jungkook is still in university, apparently he majors in sciences," seokjin rambled and although he was speaking fast, yoongi took it all in. "jimin is really into music and dancing, jungkook bragged about how he had went to a prestigious dance school but jimin seemed a bit embarrassed about him talking about it,"

⠀⠀"prestigious school? did you ask which one?" yoongi asked, yoongi knew of many big music schools that often promised to get their students somewhere big when they'd graduated but he himself hadn't been able to attend one of those big schools. namjoon and himself had went to the same fairly high rated university but majored in different things. namjoon majored in literature while yoongi majored in the arts or what he mainly focused on, music.

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