Wasser - Kraft und Abgrund des Geistes

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Bound down to the ground but

I'd like to defy gravity and

Fly high like a bird, ride the wind,

Swim free like a fish,

That is it!

Landwalkers, they startle me,

Dull and earthen, they disregard the sea,

So I, for relaxation, walk the farthest beach

And feel the frigid liquid beneath my blistering feet.

The sun sets, the red sky a beautiful hell

When glittering waves from distant shorelines tell,

Blood of bright erstwhile fiery stars that fell.

And the tide comes surprisingly -

Fine, I can swim just as well,

Float on the surface, this is what I sought.

I feel vastly free,

Soporific swinging, I'm falling asleep and starting to dream...

Good mourning Jellyfish

Jellyfish walk

Jellyfish talk in jelly-ish

Do you understand Jellyfish

Jellyfish around me stinging

I don't think they're thinking

I'd like to know more

I think

Jellyfish ひさお I don't understand

Rumbling thunder

Formed in the dark sky,

I awake with wonder:

Sun is gone, no land in sight

I know I have summoned this, yet I'm full of fright

Waves, they're way too high

I struggle, oh spare me, someone save me!

But walkers don't swim

So I submerge.

They tell me I look distant...

That's because I'm swimming with versicolor fish and

Dangerous sharks,

Contemplating a lost form of art.

It's funny what a lack of oxygen does.

But now, the current carries me down, deep down into the abyss, I cannot fight back,

Cold! and all so slow,

Thick black ink all 'round

Can not see my own hand

How did this get out of hand?

Fish look bad here

Want to eat me

No air, I think I need hel


Jeden Morgen grüßt das Murmeltier, ein neuer Tag beginnt.

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