Stella is no ordinary Human nor no ordinary Vulcan, she controls her emotions like a Vulcan but she doesn't not vanquish them.
Smarter than both kinds, Stella follows her brother to Starfleet and faces great adventures.
"This assembly calls Captain, James Tiberius Kirk. Your inspirational valor and supreme dedication to your comrades, is in keeping with the highest traditions of service, and reflect utmost credit to yourself, your crew and the Federation. It is my honor to award you with this commendation. By Starfleet Order 28455, you are hereby directed to report to Admiral Pike, U.S.S. Enterprise, for duty as his relief." The head of council says before he and Jim shake hands.
I smile and look at Spock who is looking at me as if he's awaiting an explanation, I ignore him and turn back to the front, to see Jim standing in front of Admiral Pike saying "I relieve you, sir." "I am relieved." Pike says, Jim smiles and says "Thank you, sir." "Congratulations Captain, your father would be proud." Pike says as they shake hands. Jim then turns around to face us and everyone starts cheering.
After everyone leaves the room, Jim walks to me, Spock and Nyota and says "We'll leave as soon as the ship is ready which won't be until the end of the week, now if you excuse me. Ella a word." I nod and watch as Nyota pulls a confused Spock out of the room, "Yes Captain?" I ask him, "Remember what you said about me taking you on a date?" he asks, I nod and he smiles "I'm going to take on a date tonight." he adds, I giggle and tell him "Are you going to drop you player attitude and settle with one girl, half Vulcan half Human like me?"
He smiles and grabs my waist pulling me close to him "I most certainly will if it means having you with me." he says , I giggle and kiss his cheek, "That's teasing me Ella." He says, I smile and pull away from him. "Pick me up at seven?" I ask him, Jim smiles and nods, I smile back and walk back to Spock and I's house, "Why did Captain Kirk wish to speak with you?" Spock asks as soon as I enter the house.
I ignore him and walk to my room, "Stella did he do something to you?" My older brother insists, I open my closet and look for a dress that mother gave to me, she had told me that she had worn it when she and father went on their first date, "Jim asked me on a date brother and I know that you have met you're older alternate version and he told me not to let you stop me from following my heart." I tell him as I find the dress and place it on my bed.
"I just do not want you to get hurt." Spock says, I hum as I prepare everything, he sighs and sits on the sofa, "Please do be careful Stella, he is known to play around with girls hearts." He says, I walk to him and sit on the floor, with my arms crossed setting on his knees and look at him, "Brother please trust me when I tell you he is not playing with me, he is true, please trust me. I need you to trust me, I can not bear to lose you. It won't be logical if us, siblings am torn apart by our love lives. You do not see me arguing with you about Nyota, do you? Because I know what you feel for her is pure, I see it in the way you look at her, in the way you talk with her, the way you act around her." I whisper.
"As mother once told us, when conflicted between following your mind or your heart, follow your heart....." he starts and I finish "It may not the rational or logical reason but it with most certainty be the correct one." he smiles and I giggle, "It is a better view when you smile Spock." I tell him, he chuckles and shakes his head. I get up at the same time Spock does and allow him to hug me, "Go shower and get ready, I will be in the living room." he whisper, I nod and watching go.
I walk to my bathroom and shower quickly before walking back to my room, I put the dress on along with my black heels, I put on my blue earrings, my Vulcan stone necklace and my Starfleet ring before preparing my hair. I look at the clock and start walking to the living room where I find Spock and Jim, I gasp and try to turn back but am stopped when Spock say "Ahh Stella you are here, finally." I internally curse but turn back to them, Jim's eyes go wide and his jaw falls slightly, "You look amazing." he whispers, I smile and flush deeply.
He extends his arm, I link mine with his and allow him to lead me out, "As you two are going to spend the night together I am going to visit Nyota." Spock says as we leave, I send him a knowing look which he ignores. Jim leads me to a fancy restaurant and pulls my chair back, I sit down and smile at him as he sits down too.
"So what would you like to eat?" Jim asks me, I look down and say "I don't know, Spock and I usually cook at home." he chuckles and calls the waiter "Yes sir?" he asks "Filet Mignon, for the two of us, please." Jim says, the waiter nods and I look at him only to have him smile big at me, I flush deeply making him chuckle.
"You are so beautiful." Jim whispers, "I bet you say that to every girl." I tell him, he raises his hands "Guilty but I know that now the only person I call beautiful is you." he says, I roll eyes at him and smile big, suddenly the waiter arrives with our dinner and sets it front of us.
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I look at the plate and smile "This looks amazing Jim." I tell him, he smiles and says "It tastes great too I promise you." I smile and take a bite, moaning, Jim chuckles and shakes his head. "I'm sorry..." I whisper, "Don't be, if that's how you sound when you moan because of food I wonder how you will sound with me." he says teasingly while winking at me. I blush furiously and eat my dinner.
After dinner Jim takes me back home, but as soon as I open the door moans are heard. "I guess Spock and Nyota are busy." I whisper, "You can stay at my place with me." Jim offers, I smile and grab his hand, he leads me to his apartment.