Terra Nova: Four

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"Thanks, Mrs Shannon," I said, scooting off the hospital bed, holding my swollen, throbbing nose. She turned to me and smiled.


"That's no problem, Sam. Come to me anytime you need." I nodded, smiling back at her and wandered out of the medic building, the smile disappearing from my face. Ugh. I got beaten up on my first week here, and didn't even land a freaking punch of my own. Great.

With a sigh, I decided I better head back home, where I'm sure Flora was stressing her brains out. In the few days I'd known her, I'd figured out she was easily worried. Outside, the sun shone magnificently as I breathed in the fresh morning air, filling my lungs with it. I'd certainly never get used to the cleanliness and freshness of this place. I pulled my hand from my nose; glad it wasn't covered in my blood, and kicked up the dirt under my feet, while in the distance some large dinosaur roared.

I reached our little house quickly, and with a grunt, fumbled for the keys in my pocket. At least there was one benefit that came from this broken nose- no work today. My fingers wrapped around the keys, warm from being in my pocket so long, and I shoved them into the door and turned the handle, escaping the warm afternoon sun.

Inside, Flora was sitting, curled up on the lounge, frowning, a plex in her hand. She was tapping and touching it like mad, obviously trying to figure it out. Her eyes only glanced up to meet me for a second, then she went back to fumbling. "Hey Sam. How you doing?" Her dark hair was braided back, all neat except for a single loose strand, which she continued to tuck behind her ear.

I groaned. "I'm fine, yeah. You know, just got my nose broken. Totally fine." She looked up at me and narrowed her eyes, attempting seriousness, but I could see the smile tugging at the corner of her lips. 

"Well, I lost my laptop. I think that is worse."

Rolling my eyes, not seeing why it was such a big deal, I got the keys from the door and shut it gently behind me. "It's your turn to cook," Flora said, not looking up from her Plex.

"No, it's not. I cooked last night," I objected. She was trying to get out of chores. Again.

She looked up at me and switched off her plex, placing it aside.  "You're too good for me, Sam." Rolling her eyes, she climbed to her feet and wandered into the kitchen, where she shuffled around in the pantry for food. I craned my neck a little, and scurried to my bedroom to change out of my bloody shirt. 

Shimmying out of my white t--shirt, I found my favourite old, checkered one and slipped it on, not bothering to do up the front buttons. With a ruffle of my hair, I wandered out of the room and found Flora staring down a frozen meal box. "Really?" I sighed. "Are you ever actually going to cook something?"

Flora looked up and smirked. "This is cooking something. And no, I'm not the talented chef." 

With a sigh, I plonked myself on the couch and scooped up the plex pad, and started flicking through everything. From the kitchen, I heard a box drop, and footsteps, and before I could even look up, Flora was there, snatching the plex from me. "No." She hugged it to her chest.

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