Chapter One: (Sigyn's perspective)

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We were sitting beside one another upon the grass, our backs leaning up against the rough bark of a single tree, its leaves forming a thick canopy overhead, thus giving us a small, but much appreciated, bit of shade.
This tree was rooted upon a hill, a hill that Loki and I had visited often on horseback, and had been visiting since we were children. I could still remember the time we had carved our initials into its coarse bark a very long time ago when we were both so young.
At the moment we were talking, talking of matters we dared not speak of amongst the other gods and goddesses.

"Loki, forgive me, but how can you be so sure that Thor is to be chosen?" I inquired, but I already knew the answer. "His majesty, the all father, hasn't even announced his heir, yet you've seemed to have lost all confidence!" The young prince sighed as he tugged casually at the overgrown and wild blades of grass at his side and letting the wind carry them elsewhere. "You know exactly why, Sigyn," Loki growled, seeing through my words, "You know full well who is the favored son."

I frowned, after all he was right, I did know.
Lately it seemed as if reaching out to him had become some sort of challenge now that everyone in Asgard was preparing to hear Odin announce the name of one of his sons as his successor to the throne. Although no one dared to say it aloud, they all knew that Loki would not be chosen. For the house of Odin was guilty of picking favorites and much to Loki's disadvantage, he was not the favored son having grown up in the darkness of his own brother's shadow.

Thor. I thought, and I felt my expression become sour when I thought of Loki's famous older brother. How he walked with his nose high in the air sometimes, almost like a spoilt child. Yet, despite this, he was loved by the entire kingdom.
In their eyes, the god of thunder could do no wrong. In their eyes, he was the perfect king, but if only they would truly open their eyes to see the truth, that Thor was nothing more than an arrogant man with a respected name.
Sure, he was one of the best warriors the land had ever seen, but he seemed to crave the thrill of battle. No matter whom his foe might be, his unmistakable yearning for violence would win against his better judgement. I doubted his ability to rule peacefully, avoiding the terrors of war. Soon he would grow tired of sparring the warriors and guards and would seek out new opponents. It worried me to think of who he would challenge next, just the thought of it made me shudder.

"Loki, you don't know that!" I assured him, "The all father is wise and will choose what is best for Asgard, which is a king who doesn't crave such vile things such as war, a king who shall honor the peace that his predecessor has worked so hard to achieve throughout the nine realms, a king who is clever, someone who knows that there is more to kingship than battle." Hoping that my words were bringing him comfort, I put on a sincere, kind smile and looked deep into the young prince's emerald eyes.
"That king is you, Loki."

His eyes abandoned the patch of grass and were now steadily fixed upon me, his brow raised in speculation and his arms were now crossed over his chest. "I appreciate your comforting words Sigyn, but I hardly think anyone, especially my father, would believe them." My frown grew more potent as I knew once again his words were true. "Well, I certainly believe them!"

A smile played upon his lips as I said this. "At least I may count on your support my friend. I can always rely on you to stand beside me in matters such as this; I cannot tell you how much it means to me." He said, his face now bright and warm and my frown became a grin. To see him happy made me feel so myself. "You may always count on my loyalty, your majesty." I assured him once more, trying hard not to allow myself to blush at his heartfelt words. This made him smile even wider.
"I know."

"Good, you mustn't ever forget that," I gazed even further into his beautiful, dark, green eyes. They were always so deep with emotion. Realizing that I had been staring for quite too long, I shifted my gaze elsewhere. No longer was I able to able to control myself from blushing a bright shade of vermillion- nor could I attempt to hide it. Whatever is wrong with me? I thought, criticizing myself.

I had been acting this way for quite some time now, a few months to be exact. For reasons I could not yet explain, in these last few months I had found myself strangely drawn to his majesty in ways I had never been before. When we first met I hadn't felt this way, I was fairly certain of that. I could still recall the day even after all these years. It had been here on this very hill, on a day such as this one, where we first met.

I had been laying on the long grass whilst staring up at the clouds; trying to make something out of them. So far I had horse, bilgesnipe, and dragon. I liked it here, it was the only place (other than the library) where I seemed to actually belong. With the green grass at my feet, the sun in the sky and the clouds rolling high. Here there was no one to constantly pester me, except one person in particular I had soon learned.

"That one looks like a wolf." A voice had exclaimed from behind me. I leapt to my feet and whirled around to see a young boy near my age, leaning against the tree with a slightly mischievous grin planted upon his pale face. This boy had short, raven hair which was slicked back carefully away from his face, and he wore a dark green shirt with the most intricate of designs sewn onto its fabric with what looked to be gold, along with a pair of black leather pants and boots.

I suddenly felt self conscious as I peered down at my rather plain black corset, which laid on top my white dress that was now covered in grass stains. Looking up once again at the boy, I recognized him as one of the royal family- Loki was his name. I had seen him many times at the palace, but never once had he ever approached me, nor had I approached him.
Seeing him here came as some sort of shock.

Remembering my place in society, I positioned myself to kneel. "Your majesty." I greeted him, my eyes remained on him with great curiosity. "Oh please," He scoffed, "May there be none of that." The prince waved his hand to dismiss my gestures. I paused, surprised by his words, before finally returning to my previous position of lying down on the grass, he moved to lay beside me.

"What is your name." Loki asked, bringing his hands to form a firm pillow behind his head.
It was more of a demand than a question.
"Sigyn Iwaldidottir." I answered in a clear and crisp voice as my mother had always told me to, and though I didn't ask for his name, he gladly obliged. "I am Loki Odinson." (As if I hadn't known already). "Though you probably knew that already, didn't you?" He guessed my thoughts and I gave a quick, but curt, nod.

Now that we had been formally introduced, he quickly exclaimed once more. "Oh look! That one looks like Heimdall!" He pointed towards the one of the white, fluffy clouds, which sure enough resembled Asgard's gate keeper perfectly.

That had been the beginning of our friendship, But was it something more now? Snapping out of the flash back, I peered back at the god sitting beside me. I would figure it out, I was certain of it.


Hey! That's all I have written for chapter one :) I'll have chapter two up shortly!
And Thankyou all for taking the time to read this 😄

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