Chapter Two: Sigyn

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After what had seemed to have been a very long period of time in which we both spent in awkward silence, the young prince finally cleared his throat. "We should head back," he advised, rising up to his feet, "Soon it shall be dark, and besides we have a party to go to!" Smiling, he held out his hand in an offer to help me up. I gratefully took it.

"That's right." I frowned ever so slightly, remembering the ball and feast that had been planned for the evening, if I was not mistaken every god and goddess would be there. The thought of so many people crowded together in Odin's great hall was what caused my reaction, for I was never one for parties, nor any sort of social gatherings in general, and neither was Loki really.

In truth, the both of us often preferred the quiet and the solitude found within the library and under the tree that we sat under now. It wasn't as if we were a shy couple of people, it was just the fact that we both found it quite pointless to speak with the other members of the court, for they never seemed to be worth talking too- a waste of time really.

In a way, our shared fondness of solitude was one of the main reasons why he and I had been such great friends since our childhood. It had drawn us together.

I took the prince's hand and allowed him to help me rise steadily to my feet, for I had always been a clumsy one. With a meek smile, I thanked him and went to mount my mare. First stepping up on the stirrup and then jumping up onto the saddle, my cloak and skirts swirling around me as I placed my other foot on the other stirrup.

Loki, being raised to be the gentleman he was, did not mount his own horse until he saw to it that I had been comfortably situated upon mine.

Returning the smile I gave him, Loki walked with his usual strut to his own steed, taking a brief moment to carefully brush through it's long, wavy mane with his long, slender fingers.

When satisfied with the state of his horse, he gave the animal a swift pat and hopped up onto the saddle, his long armored coat swishing against the black leather saddle as he did so. "Now," he said, gathering the reins of his horse in his hands, "Shall we?"

I nodded, smiling. "Let's."

Suddenly, a mischievous grin pulled at the corners of his majesty's lips. "I'll race you there!" Loki declared, "And I'd like to see you try and beat me!" He challenged, already urging his horse into a fast run, his eyes wide with excitement.

"Hey!" I shouted, laughing as I did so, "You got a head start! No fair!"

"Come, better hurry Sigyn!" I heard Loki call over his shoulder, he was far ahead of us now. "Sitting there and shouting won't win you the race!"

Rolling my eyes, I took tight hold of the reins and ordered my mare forward into a run. "We'll catch up, won't we girl?" I spoke quietly towards my horse. She gave a spirited huff, and began to run, and so the race began!

In a few moments, the sweet flush of adrenaline flowed through my veins as my beast's hooves pounded on the soft grass covered ground. My hood fell from my shoulders and my pale blonde hair somehow escaped it's ribbon and now flew wild in the wind. Wonderful, I thought sarcastically, I'd have to brush it thoroughly when we returned home.

The tension grew when Loki peered behind his shoulder to see me coming up fast. He urged his horse to go faster, and I did the same.

"It would seem, Loki, that I'm catching up!" I called out with a smirk, I had a chance at wining now! "So it would seem so," Loki said, "but alas you haven't beaten me yet!"
"We'll see about that!" Was the response I shouted as I continued spurring my mare forward.
However, in the end, Loki had let me win. The race had been long, and when I finally came to an end at the stables,
both ourselves and the horses were completely out of breath from the ordeal.

• • • • • •

"You didn't have to let me win you know." I pouted, arms crossed in a childish manner across my chest as he and I now walked through the busy Asgardian streets on the way to my home, for as a peasant, I didn't live in the castle as the royals did. I may had been given the title, "Goddess of Fidelity", but I was still a mere servant.

Strutting beside me with his hands held firmly behind his back as was his usual proud demeanor, the young prince had a smug grin plastered to his face. "Of course Sigyn." He pretended to agree, though the grin he wore was enough to tell he didn't really.

Rolling my eyes, I let my arms fall to their sides. "Whatever." I grumbled, dropping the subject since my home was now in view- just a few paces away in fact.
It was a large, old home, with the usual architectural extravagance found everywhere else within the city. Yet even so, it managed to stand out amongst the others due to its enormous size, for the house was called home to more than just myself, in fact the house was home to the majority of my family- which obviously called for a lot of room.

Like most buildings in Asgard, ours had been made of gold, and though it certainly wasn't anywhere near the beauty of the royal palace, our family had always considered it to be a little palace of our own.
Minutes passed without either of us speaking, the only sounds made were of the hustle and bustle that occurred around us, the 'clacking' of our boots against the stone road, and the whispers and murmurs of those who'd all moved to create a pathway for their prince as he walked by.

It was only when we finally reached the doorstep of my house when we then spoke once more. "Good day, Sigyn." Loki gave me a genuine smile, as he bowed deeply, extending his arm to the side in a grand gesture (as that was the fashion). "Good day your highness." I replied, lowering into an even deeper curtsy.

"I hope you realize I'm expecting you to be at the feast tonight," he informed me curtly, returning his hands to their former placement behind him, "For when the dancing begins and if I stand to the side alone, I'll just look like a fool!"
I let out a small chuckle at the thought, "Oh course, like you yourself said, that you may always count on me." Smiling, I dipped into another, shallower curtsy.
The prince gave a swift nod of approval, lips twitching into another one of his notorious smirks. "Very well, I shall see you then." He said, turning on his heels and beginning his descent down the front steps.

"Yes, see you then!" I sighed, waving to him even though his back was already turned from me. I shook my head, lips forming a weary smile. The things I do for that boy.
👉Hey guys! Guess what?! Chapter 2 is FINALLY UP AFTER WELL OVER 6 MONTHS. 🎉 😆🙈 Oh my gosh, I apologize for the wait, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! :)
*whispers* Hopefully chapter 3 won't take nearly as long to post! 😁
Till next time then✌️

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