Chapter Three: (3rd Person Perspective)

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Loki strode through the streets in his usual princely manner, though it was less spirited as it had been before now that he was alone once more.
With Sigyn no longer being at her former place at his side, it felt.... it felt....


Though the young prince had long ago gotten used to loneliness, for the two knew one another so well it seemed that they walked hand in hand.
It was often that this old friend of his would visit him at times such as this, when he was in the company of many, yet alone all the same.

Around him, peasants made way for him as he passed, staring at him scrutinizingly as if they were waiting for something- anything- to go array due to his very presence.

He was the God of mischief after all; chaos was deeply embedded into his nature. No matter how refined, how well read, how 'weak' he might have appeared to Asgardian standards, nothing would ever change that.
For looks always covet the nick for deceiving, and so did he.

This was the nature that earned him the known title of:
"God Of Mischief."

A small, microscopic smile played upon his thin lips as the young God continued his way back to the palace, walking just as straight, and proudly as he had before.

He paid the peasant's no mind.

You see, he didn't quite understand the feeling of loneliness, for it had always been there. It was natural to him, just like so many other emotions that had welded themselves so deeply into his heart that they bleed out from him.


And much more to name, though there were many; not all pleasant as you can see.

It wasn't till a little while longer that he reached his destination, and when he eventually did, the suns orbiting the realm had begun to fall from their places slowly, making way for the coming night.

Servants attended him dutifully upon his arrival, though he waved them away. He didn't need them, and he often found their badgering annoying.
He would tend to himself tonight.

That is, if that boisterous fair haired brother of his would ever leave him be.

"You fancy her." Thor teased, elbowing his younger brother hard in the ribs. "Don't you dare deny it, because its clearly written upon your red face."

"Shut up you blonde oaf." Loki snarled, rubbing his side and glaring up at his older brother.
"Sigyn and I are just friends, how many times do I have to try to get that through your thick skull?"

"And how many times do I have to get it through your thick skull that you want her?" His brother retorted with a loud chuckle. Loki may have acted like a sour puss sometimes, (okay, most of the time), but Thor knew him too well to be put off by it. It was just how his little brother was.

"Sometimes I fear you've dropped that blasted hammer upon your head, and that's why you've turned out so dumb." A smug look was clear upon the younger prince's face, pleased with his comeback.

"It's name is Mjölnir."

"Whatever, you blonde oaf."

There was silence for a few moments, and Loki thought he would be free from his brother's persistent teases, and badgering, but it didn't last long.

"So I take it you're going to ask the young lady to dance?"

" Dammit Thor! I said shut up! Do you so desperately want me to turn you into a goat again?!"

"You wouldn't dare."

"Oh yes I would."

Hehe I had fun with this one😋
Anyways, thank you all once again for reading this story, and for commenting and voting. It means the world to me, and I apologize for the slowness in which I write, and for my terrible procrastination.
So thank you all for bearing with me! 💕
Until next time,
Your awful procrastinator of an author,
P.S: I've started another story here!
Yeah, yeah, I know what you're all thinking.
"What? Why would you write another story if you can barely update this one?!"
The answer to this question is that it's not really something that needs to be updated as often, it being a collection of Tom and Loki one-shots that I've written. Anyways, if any of you are interested, it would mean a TON if you could go check it out!

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