The Move

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"I don't know, I just feel like it's too soon. We don't even know how Lia will take it."

"She'll be happy" said Jaime irritated "It's you that's so against it."

I rolled my eyes. "Jaime we just recently started dating. You don't think it's a little too soon for me to move in with you?"

"No. I don't. Honestly, nothing would make me happier."


"Because" he started, gently pulling me into his embrace "I love you Ray, and I want you to be here with me so we can get closer."

I couldn't help the smile that crept across my face. "I'll think about it."

"What could possibly be holding you back from wanting to be here? I love you and Lia's happy. Is it because of... him?"

I stopped. I hadn't thought of Alan since the accident and honestly, I didn't want too. I simply assumed he'd be staying at Austins for a while so I didn't really plan on visiting until I was certain he was gone. "No." I said attempting to reassure him.

"Then let's go get your stuff. Stay here and if you decide you want out, I won't stop you." He pleaded.

I sighed. Clearly, he wasn't going to give up and honestly, I didn't mind staying with Jaime. I just didn't want him to feel obligated. I shot Austin a text saying I'd be over to get a few things later and smiled warmly at Jaime who was glowing with excitement.

"I want to get in the hot tub."

"okay. But what are you going to wear?" He asked with a wink.

hmm, I hadn't thought of that. "Bra & Panties?" I stated calmly. Jaime didn't answer but simply stared at me with an expression that was impossible to read. "Alright then" I said a little uncomfortable.

I began pulling off the clothes that I'd slept in until I was down to just my underclothes. "Ready to go?" Still Jaime stared at me with an indifferent look. Confused, I walked past him making my way towards the door but just before I could reach the door I felt his large hands yank me back & pull me into his chest. "What the-" He spun me around and immediately his lips made contact with mine ending in The most erotic kiss I'd ever experienced in my life.

I felt his hands slowly slide up and down my sides, ever so gently running his fingers over my Breast causing me to moan into the kiss. Loving the feeling, I pulled my body towards him wrapping my leg around his waist. Jaime, instantly getting the hint, picked me up as I tightly wrapped myself around him. Our kiss deepened as he walked over and laid me down on the bed.

He pulled away and slowly began trailing kisses down my chest, along my stomach, and all the way to my lower abdomen causing me to moan much louder than intended. Jaime chucked & smiled against my skin as he worked his way back up to my lips. I could feel his body grinding against mines & I gladly matched his rhythm while pulling his shirt off of his body.

For a second, we paused as I took in the sight of Jaime's body. -His clothes do him no justice- I thought as my fingers traced the outline of his 6 pack. He shuddered against my touch giving me a small sense of power. Jaime bit his lip and looked down at me "Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked, as he began kissing my neck again. "I'm sure" I breathed out, struggling to concentrate. God, that felt amazing. "I love you Jaime."

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