Chapter 1 - How We Met

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Brittany POV
Trevor and I have known each other since we were 16. We started acting together on a dance drama called the next step. The show aired over a hundred episodes throughout six seasons and it's success went world wide resulting in multiple tours to countries such as Australia, Portugal, Spain and the U.K. It was crazy at that point and had the outcome none of us expected when we first signed up for the show.

Trevor and I played James and Riley, respectively - a couple that was favoured throughout its run. The fans were obsessed with our on screen relationship so much. Every q and a, every tour, every meet and greet, every tv interview, every Instagram dm was always no doubt had to include JILEY (our ship name) at some point. It was crazy. Fans were going nuts and no matter what Trevor and I did together, even if it was a private event something about the two of us got out and was soon madly spread across the fandom. They pretty much knew everything about our lives it was insane! So much so that when Trevor and I actually got together it was kinda ironic cause they had no idea...for an entire 2 months! It was gold.

Trevor and I had first actually set out as girlfriend and boyfriend in may 2016, after finishing season 4 filming in 2015. We had dated a bit before then, flirting a bit but I couldn't say it was official until may. Everyone knew and everyone was persuaded that we were just really really good friends. Some compared us as brother and sister which was sweet. But it was after Trevor came back from the Wild Rhythm tour that things actually went a little further than just friends.

I remember sitting at home, in front of the tv, doing some Netflix catch up. The candles were lit and filled my apartment with the amazing smell I loved of vanilla bean. I was mid way through my catch up on pretty little liars when I heard a knock at the door

** flashback
"Hey! You're home!!" I say excitedly opening the door to see Trevor before giving him a giant hug
"How are you! We have so much to catch up on!!" I say walking into the kitchen.
"Wait. Aren't you meant to be at your parents or someone else more important that me? You've been away for like two months" I observe and he looks down.
"The tour ended a day earlier and..."
"You forgot to tell them and so you had no one else to stay with so you chose me!" I filled in for him. He chuckles
"How did you know?"
"Secretly psychic" I put the kettle on
"Nah I'm good thanks. But can I get a water? Something about planes- they always make your mouth dry" I laugh
"Yeah help yourself. Glasses are in the..."
"Top cupboard" he finishes
"How'd you know?" I ask smirking
"Secretly psychic" he chuckles making me laugh again as the kettle ticks off.
"You're lucky you're tired otherwise id be chasing you round this apartment until I get you to take back what you just said" I say and he laughs as we take our drinks into the lounge room.

~/ end of flashback

Things hit off way fast from then. We just kept spending time together after that first night. I was most of all shocked that through every single person he chose to go to, it was me. But it wasn't just that they made me second guess my friendship with Trevor that night...

**flashback continues
"You look different since you left."
"Probably just more tired Britt. A lot of traveling"
"Yeah you must be exhausted"
"Netflix?" I ask and he nods as I giggle changing it back to PLL.
"Ughhh I can't believe you watch this"
"Well it's not particularly a guys show. I'm pretty sure girls enjoy it more"
"Nah it doesn't bother me. I'll end up falling asleep. Watch me" he says and I laugh
"Okay!" I agree and he laughs as I start getting indulged in the program.

It's not long before parts end up scarier than I expected it to be and I feel protected. It's probably not until 2 minutes later I realise a familiar pair of arms have been wrapped around my body and I'm leaning against his chest watching the TV. I'm about to speak up but I look up to see his eyes and they're shut. Just like I expected. He's pretty adorable tho.

It got to the end of season 4 of my binge watch and I'd decided i had had enough. I switched off the TV, hauling Trevor's suitcase into the lounge room and gathering some blankets from the cupboard for him so that he would be comfortable when he woke up. I walked slowly back to my room, starting to get ready for bed when I see a shadow standing at my door way.

"Hey" he says softly
"Hey" I reply, still sitting in front of the mirror taking off my makeup with soft music playing in the background.
"Sorry did I wake you?"
"Nah I woke up all of a sudden and realised I was somewhere different to a tour bus and decided I'd get up and explore it a bit. And then I found you here, looking prettier than the moonlight reflecting on your window" he says and I look at him in quite some shock.
"Excuse me?" I ask him taken aback.

He walks slowly over to me, sits down on my bed which is near where I'm sitting. He grabs my hands and we both suddenly stand up, the moonlight glowing and the music still playing.
"Britt I don't think you understand Hun. I came here because I wanted to tell you something I've been keeping in for so long" I look at him surprised a little. He sighs as he looks deeply into my eyes.
"I really like you. Every moment I spend with you feels like a dream. I came here to tell you that I couldn't stop thinking about you the entire tour. Nobody, even the audience couldn't. But I couldn't stop thinking about you in an entire new level to the majority. I missed you so much and it feels so good to be able to let my feelings out to you because they are so 100% raw. It's not even a tv scene this time" he says and I stand there looking at him, wondering for real if I could see some potential with a co star I had been taking as a friend for so long. I knew it would somehow ruin what we had but I couldn't help it. He just said something so incredibly sweet and I couldn't resist
Doing what I did next. Kiss him.

*/ end of flashback 
And at that point I realised we weren't james and Riley. We were ourselves - Trevor and Brittany. People that were meant to be together. Little did we know that at the time. But god do I not regret a single part of that night. It was perfect that's why. And I wouldn't have wanted to meet such a perfect guy any other perfect way

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