Chapter 2 - One down

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Trevor POV
"I'm so glad we announced that when we did it babe. Imagine us anyway we'd accidentally tell them" I say to Britt as she lounges on the couch and I prepare her breakfast
"Yeah I don't know how we are going to keep it a secret...thanks Hun...from the fans though. I bet you I'll accidentally tweet something about cravings or morning sickness and you'll see it and then tell me to delete it" she laughs as I hand her her breakfast
"Hopefully no cameras will suspect anything either" I say and she looks at me concerned.

Today we were going into town to meet the cast for lunch. We haven't seen them since about September last year so it's going to be so exciting seeing them all again. We're keeping the baby thing on the down low though. We both thing it will be way funnier if they find out when the rest of the world does, and also find out that we were hiding something from them this entire day.

We are leaving at midday so we still have quite a bit of time left to get ready, Britt will take a little longer as her throwing up schedule is due to be taking place literally any minute now but that's okay as we get through it. It's been two months since we told our family at Christmas. They were so delighted to hear the news and that they were the first to know. It's something so special to us and we feel that it's only right if we share that special something with them first. It's Brittany's birthday in around 5 days so we are also trying to prepare for that. It is hard balancing it all but when we have another little person around we know it will be a lot harder.

Brittany POV
I have finished getting ready after a long morning. Trevor and I are now driving to our favourite Toronto cafe where we are meeting Vic (and her husband Mark), Brennan, Lamar, Jennie, Alex (and Zach her husband) Briar and Myles. I am super excited as we haven't see them all in ages. None of the cast have had kids yet. Vic has only just gotten married and briar and Myles broke up before but then got back together just recently. Apparently according to Trev, Myles maybe proposing to briar soon but we aren't sure. That's why I guess we haven't told the cast we are expecting. We want it to be a surprise for them but in a way we are both kinda scared of what they will think.

Trevor and I have always been that expected "typical tv couple" that were always predicted to get together. We played an onscreen couple so I guess that's why we had better odds then other cast members. We were shipped by pretty much every fan and our relationship was hat ultimately kept the show alive as they only watched the show for our scenes. It was a lot of pressure and I remember at the time being extremely scared that we would be getting together just for the sake of the fandom. But as time went on and it became a lot easier to realise that what me and Trevor had was something way more than what just the fans wanted. We wanted it too.

We arrive at the cafe and we realise everyone's already there. I chuckle turning to my husband and he's shaking his head too. We are always late. There's no doubt about it.
"Heyyyy" I say as I see everyone and their eyes catch ours.
"hiiiii" they all reply as they stand up and we start hugging everyone.
"How are you?" Vic asks and I laugh, pulling the hair from in front of my eyes back
"Yeah, I'm good. How are you?" I ask and she smiles
"I'm really good. I've missed you so much though" she says sweetly, giving me another hug.
"I've missed you too babe." I say giving her a tight squeeze before sitting down.
"I think we need a drink" She laughs. Jen nods her head
"Yeah I agree. I'll go and get them" she chuckles and I look at Trevor worryingly. He shakes his head.
"Yeah I'll... I think I'll come with you" he says and I smile weakly.

Trevor POV
"So yeah we'll have 5 champagnes and...6 beers. Is that right Trev?" Jennie asks and I nod
"Wait no...4 champagnes. Britt won't have one" I say holding my breath that she won't pick anything up
"What why?! She's about to turn 30! We haven't seen you guys in so's a celebration. Come onnnnn" she says and I smile a bit at her.
"No. Uh, man can we just have 4 please" he nods getting to work as I take Jennie aside
"Listen, I really didn't want to tell you this without her here. We promised we wouldn't tell any of you yet because I know if I told you the truth before you'd get all crazy and excited and would spurt it out like some water fountain. So you have to promise this will stay between just you and me okay?"
"Okay" she nods, almost shyly
"Ummmm...I don't know how to say this" I say rubbing my hands together really nervously
"Britts pregnant" Jennies mouth opens wide and she goes into panic excitement mode quite rapidly and I almost have to put my hand over her mouth as she's squealing with excitement
"Oh my god!!" She says and I laugh
"I know right. Isn't it exciting ?" She nods as the waiter gives us the tray of drinks
"Promise me you'll shut up about it though, please. Until she tells you at least" she nods
"Okay. But congratulations Trevor. You two are going to make great parents" she says and I smile
"Thanks Jennie. That means a lot"

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