Part 3 - Oops (Part 1)

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Brittany POV
"You excited for your new show Alex?" I ask her. Zach and Alex have a new show coming out on Freeform next year regarding Travel and Lifestyle. They've been travelling to the US for months back and forth from Toronto to organise it and it's been really tough for them to finally get a green light for the show. But they finally have and now it's about to start shooting next month. Zach and Alex are moving down to LA to live temporarily especially for the show.
"Oh my god! I was practically screaming when it got confirmed! I am so excited Britt" she says smiling
"I'm excited to watch it. It's going to be so cool. I'm so happy for you both - living out your dreams away from children tv shows" I giggle and she laughs
"Yeah it'll be a big step up but I'm so looking forward to the change and lifestyle down in LA it'll be so different" she explains and I nod, smiling
"I'm going to get another drink- you want one Britt? You didn't have one before?" Alex asks and I look at her for a second then st the rest of the cast who are all indulged in their seperate conversations with one another
"Uh, yeah sure but I'll come with you. Can we go to the bathroom first though?" I ask and she nods
"Where are you going?" Trev asks and I smile weakly as he touches my arm softly
"Bathroom sweet. I'll be back in a sec" he nods before he cutely kisses my cheek and lets me go
"Aren't you two adorable!!" She says as she drops her wine glass at the counter and then follows me to the bathroom where I check to see if no one else is there before taking Alex into one of the cubicles. She already looks startled
Victoria POV
I walk into the bathroom, needing to pee so badly as I walk around trying to find a toilet block that's free. I realised Britt and Alex disappeared before so I guess they could be in here as well. No one else was in here though. And there was only one toilet occupied.
"Okay. What are we doing?" I hear a whisper from inside the cubicle. I decide to just stand outside the toilet, listening.
"Nothing, alright. Just promise me you won't tell anyone" The other voice- which sounds like Brittany's speaks. My hearing levels and suspicions going though the roof now as I'm super intrigued as to what is actually going on.
"Okayyyyy. Brittany what's going on, all I did was ask if you wanted a drink. And now this whole things turning into a Circle of Death game"
"I'm pregnant" Britt says abruptly. And i cover my hands over my mouth, not needing to pee any longer but instead walking out of the bathrooms...I need to tell someone about this.

Brittany POV
"Ummm. Wow. I wasn't expecting that at all" she says looking down
"Congratulations B" she smiles giving me a hug.
"I didn't want you to be all - OH BRITT COME ON HAVE ANOTHER DRINK out loud out there cause people would've suspected something. I don't want anyone else to know. So please keep it on the DL. Trev and i weren't planning to tell you it's until later on. So please..."
"Hun, it's alright. I got this under control" she says hugging me again.
"You look really stressed babe. You know that it's not good for the baby?" I nod
"Yeah I know. I just I don't know. I promised Trevor. And now I feel awful. As if I've let him down as I let my secret out. "
"It's only me. No one else has been in here. It's all good. You've got this. You're going to be he best mum" she says and I smile, giving her one last hug as we unlock the cubicle, checking if anyone else was around before leaving be toilet block and getting Alex a drink.

Victoria POV
I honestly am in so much shock. I really desperately need to tell somebody though and I don't know what I'm going to do. I arrive back at the table. Everyone's lunch has arrived and it's not long after that that Alex and Britt arrive back at the table. I feel as though I need to talk to them about what I know, so that nothing erupts. But part of me is telling me to tell my husband before I confront them about it cause he might have some better advice.

Trevor POV
"How's work man?" Myles asks me. I nod, digging into my steak at the same time.
"Yeah good, good. It's just hard balancing everything at the same time though."
"Have you and Britt been anywhere recently?"
"Like as in a holiday?" He nods
"Yeah I took briar to Australia a couple of weeks ago. It was sick man" I nod
"Oh yeah, I love Australia. Yeah but nah bro we haven't been on any major trips. Our anniversary is coming up though. We may do something for that soon or go on a trip before the baby comes. We kinda just want to organise everything before it comes thought so we may not get time"
"Wait...bro. What do you mean "baby?" He asks and my heart I swear stops beating.

Brittany is going to kill me. So far 2 people know about this. I know it's only 2 but we were supposed to keep it a secret for 2 months yet!! How is Brittany going to react to this...
I am so screwed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2017 ⏰

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