Chapter 3: Friday Night's Pond

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I was in my dorm changing into my pajamas when there was a knock at the door. I finished changing quickly and I walked to the door. I opened it to see Drew.

     "Drew, what are you doing here?" I asked. He smiled and walked inside.

     "Charlie got a girl, at least for tonight. I really didn't want to be in there when they get at each other," he said and we both laughed. He sat on my bed and buried his head into my blanket. I giggled.

     "What are you doing boy?" I asked as I sat on the edge of my bed. He laughed and pulled me down on the bed. I smiled and he started to tickle me. I was laughing hysterically.

    "Drew! Stop it! Cut it out! Dreeeew!'" I said between laughs. He finally stopped tickling me and I giggled. He looked down at my pajamas.

     "You were already planning to go to sleep?" he asked.

     "Well, yeah. I was sleepy."

      "So, you weren't even going to go to the vending machine to see me?" he pouted and I smiled.

     "Of course I was going to see you before I went to bed,'' I said and he smiled like a small child in a store filled with candy. I giggled.

     "Wait, why aren't you at the vending machine area?" I asked curious as to why he came here.

     "I'm not sure, just wanted to see you." he said with his cute little grin that made me want to hug him to death, if it's even possible to do so.

     "You can still see me at the vending machine," I pointed out.

     "Are you complaining that I came to see you?" he asked.

     "Well, no I'm ju-" I was interrupted by Drew.

     "Okay, well if you aren't complaining, then why still talk about it," he said with a smile. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

     "Don't roll your eyes at me Reagan, I will bite your big toe off if you roll your eyes at me again!" he said trying to sound serious, but he couldn't help but smile. I laughed and put my feet in the air, wiggling my toes. He laughed and I rolled my eyes at him as he stuck his tongue out at me. We just laid on my bed together looking at the ceiling and making each other laugh. 

We were laying in silence when he turned to me.

     "Reagan, can I ask you something?" he said with seriousness in his tone. I nodded and he rolled onto his side to face me so I turned to him as well.

     "Do you ever wonder what's happened to your brothers and sisters?" he asked me. I sighed.

     "Every single day. All I have to remember them is this," I reached into my drawer and got a photo out of my bag of valuables.  I handed it to him and he looked at it and smiled. It was a photo of all of us. My mom and all the kids. I was the oldest so I was in the middle. Henry was beside me because he always looked up to me the most. Drew looked at me.

     "That's a beautiful family you have Reagan. All of those kids are so adorable, with happiness gleaming in their eyes."  I looked over at the picture of Hayley and a man who I found out was her grandpa because I asked her about it. I remember the happiness in their eyes and then I looked at the picture of my family and I saw the happiness in Henry's eyes as he held my hand. I looked at Drew, and I noticed the gleam of happiness in his eyes. I smiled and I just know that the happiness was shining in my eyes too. I blushed as Drew wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

It was a Friday night and most people were out doing something, including Hayley who was with her best friend Sarah. I was with my best friend too. Drew and I laid still and looked at each other. I wondered if he saw the happiness in my eyes. I wondered if he even cared about my eyes. I could map out every detail of his captivating eyes that held mine for what seemed like forever. He got closer to me and I thought he was going to kiss me. He got so close to my face all it would take was a small  move forward and our lips would connect. Instead of kissing me, he pulled back and rested his forehead against mine. Did he realize that he was driving me absolutely insane?

We stayed like that until he got off the bed and grabbed my hand pulling me with him. Every time he wanted to bring me somewhere, he usually grabbed my wrist or arm. Charlie was the only one who grabbed my hand. He got me a pair of shoes from my closet and handed them to me.

     "Here, put these on," Drew instructed. I put them on and he grabbed my hand again and led me downstairs and out the door.

     "Drew, we aren't supposed to be out here this late," I said tugging his arm. He heard me, but didn't listen. He kept walking away from Marcy Hall. We walked all the way to the small pond on the edge of campus. I had only been here once, in science class. The pond was made so we could study ecosystems hands on. There were flowers around the place and it looked magical  under the moonlight. I smiled and Drew led me to a grassy area with flowers everywhere. He pulled me down to the grass and he sat beside me.

     "This is so beautiful," I said, looking over at Drew. He nodded in agreement.  I looked around and when I looked at him, Drew was laying down on his back. I smiled at him and he pulled me down beside him. I looked up at the stars shining like the headlights of a car driving towards you from the sky. It was wonderful.

     "The stars are so bright tonight," Drew said. I smiled.

     "Yeah, it's almost to gorgeous to believe," I said. Drew nodded and rolled me over so I was on top of him. I smiled and he looked up at me.

     "Ya know, I can't see the stars from this position," I said and smirked. He laughed and stuck his tongue out.

     "Get over it, geez, you're such a girl," Drew said laughing. I laughed with him.

     "What happens if we get caught?" I asked. Nobody was allowed to be out of the dorms past 10:00. He shrugged.

     "Not sure. Does it really matter?" he said. I smiled and buried my head in his chest as he played with my hair. I inhaled the familiar scent of vanilla and lavender. I had become so used to his scent. Too him. I realized that we spent a lot of time together. I also realized that if he didn't have feelings for me yet, he never would. He just didn't like me in the way I liked him. The thought made me want to cry. I just snuggled in closer to him and he tightened his grip around my waist.

I could feel his heart beat and I smiled. His toned chest moved up and down with each breath he took. It was putting me to sleep. I closed my eyes and Drew continued to rub my back and mess with my hair. 

I guess I eventually fell asleep because Drew woke me up by shaking me gently. I opened my eyes to see that I was laying on his chest. He had taken off his jacket to cover me up with.

     "Hey, Reagan, it's 2am. We should get back inside, it's starting to get a little cold out here," he said smiling at me gently. I nodded and got off of him as I handed him his jacket. He wrapped it around my shoulders even when I insisted that I didn't need it. We snuck back to my dorm room and I handed him his jacket.

I was still half asleep so I fell onto my bed and realized the picture was still on my bed. I took it and put it back in my drawer. Drew came over to my bed and kissed my forehead.

     "Sweet dreams, Reagan," he said as he turned to walk away but I sleepily grabbed his arm.

     "No, don't go," I said with a sleepy groan.

     "Reagan, it's 2 am and you need your beauty sleep."

     "No, just stay."



     "What if someone walks in and sees us?"

     "Stop being such a girl," I said and pulled him down to the bed. He sighed.

     "Fine, I'll stay until you fall asleep but then I need to leave."

I smiled and he got under the blanket with me. He wrapped his strong arms around my torso and I lazily put my arms around his neck. He pulled me into him and rubbed my back softly. I smiled and got even closer to him. He started to hum my favorite song. I kissed his cheek and grinned as I slowly drifted to sleep.

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