Chapter 4: Finally Yours

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I awoke the next morning and turned to see a note where Drew was. I picked it up and smiled.

                                                                 Good morning, beautiful xx

I looked at his sloppy handwriting. I realized how dry my mouth was and I grew thirsty. I was out of bottled water, so I grabbed a quarter and decided to walk to the vending machine. I sat in one of the chairs after I bought my water. I looked around and realized that so many things had happened here. I smiled and heard a door open. I looked down the hallway to see a sleepy Drew walk out of the room. I blushed at how messy his hair looked and the dark eyes under his eyes. I watched him start to walk to the vending area before he was stopped by someone. A girl. The girl. The one who claimed to be his girlfriend. I

Before I even knew what to think she glanced back at me before crashing her lips onto his. I was hurt. He didn't even try to pull away. In fact, he actually had a smile on his face. I was beyond upset. He led me on and then kissed her! She pulled back and put her hand on his chest while glaring at me. I shook my head as tears threatened to spill from my eyes. Drew turned to see where she was looking and he made eye contact. I ran back to my dorm and locked the door. I laid on my bed and buried my face in the pillow. It still smelled like vanilla and lavender. I heard a knock at the door and ignored it.

     "Reagan! Open the door!" I heard Drew say. I didn't move. He kept knocking and yelling for me to open the door. I didn't until I heard him sigh and slide his back down the wall.

      "Please Reagan. Please. Just open the door," he said in a voice just loud enough for me too hear. He sounded hurt and my heart broke at the sound of his voice. I got up and walked over to the door. I opened it too see him with his head against the wall. He turned to look at me and his eyes brightened.

     "You get 3 minutes," I said and let him inside. He walked to my bed and laid down. I sat on the edge.

     "Reagan, I already told you, I don't have a girlfriend. I wouldn't lie to my best friend. She just kissed me," he said and I looked at the ground.

     "Well, you didn't pull away from her," I pointed out.

     "I didn't get a chance. I was shocked. I didn't even know who it was. I was just talking and-" he stopped talking and softly kissed my lips. It felt perfect and right. He pulled away and smiled.

     "Why did you do that?" I asked.

     "Tell me, if you were in your dorm after just getting out of bed, could you pull away from a kiss like that?" he said and I sighed. I honestly couldn't pull away from his kiss no matter the circumstance. He made me weak.

     "No, I'm sorry Drew," I said as he pulled me into his arms. I saw the note he had left me last night and I picked it up and put it in my drawer of valuable things. Drew watched me and when I turned back around, he was looking at me.

     "What is in that bag?" he asked me.

     "Everything I was able to take before I ran away. Plus some other things with special meaning to me," I explained.

     "Will you show me them?" he asked in a soft voice and I hesitated but nodded. I reached my arm over the to the drawer and pulled out my bag. I laid it on the bed and Drew sat up. I handed him a small pebble.

     "That was the pebble I used to skip with my dad. Last time I ever saw my father was when we were outside and he taught me to skip a rock in a giant puddle in front of our porch. That night was when he left," I explained and Drew looked at it a little longer before setting it down beside him. He picked up the picture of my family and set it there too. I realized that it was the pile of things he had already seen.

I handed him a small stack of notes. They were the ones he had written me, along with ones from Hayley and Charlie. I wondered what happened to Charlie and why I hadn't seen him for the past few days. Drew looked at the notes and smiled brightly. I saw the a sparkle in his eyes as he read over everything he wrote from me. Everything between the one from the night we first met, when he asked me to meet him again, to the one he left me this morning.

     "This is my mother's," I said as I handed him the Caribbean blue diamond my mother had. It was all I had of her. It was the only jewelry I had. I never wore it though. He admired it then set it to the side. There was only one other thing in my bag. I picked it up and handed it to Drew.

     "That's part of the vase," I said as my mind flashed back to the night Mason threw a vase at Henry. I remembered screaming. I remembered yelling. Crying. I remembered running away. I remembered the gash on my shoulder. It was just like the dreams. There wasn't much that Charlie and Drew didn't know about me, but they didn't know I had nightmares about that night. I snapped back to reality as I saw Drew gather all the items and put them back in the bag. He looked at me with a pained expression.

He leaned closer to me and I thought he was going to kiss me. Just when he pulled away, I made up my mind that this wasn't going to be another 'almost' kiss. I crashed my lips against his and he reacted by moving his lips against mine. I deepened the kiss. Drew kissed me with hunger and passion. There was a certain longing in the kiss that made me want to never pull away. He pulled me closer to him and my hands travelled to his hair as I played with it. He mumbled my name and I felt like he had taken my heart right out of my chest. He finally pulled away and leaned his forehead against mine.

     "Reagan, that was incredible," he whispered. I agreed and he grinned.  We sat in silence until he took my hand and spoke again.

     "Do you have any idea how long I've waited for that?" Drew asked me as he playfully brushed his lips against my lips. I blushed and bite my bottom lip.

     "Drew, I like you, a lot. As more than a friend," I said it almost as a question. My voice was shaky and I became nervous. Maybe he didn't like me in the same way.

     "Reagan, I like you a lot. As more than a friend," he said with a smile. My face lit up like a Christmas tree. He brought me closer and I buried my head in his neck as he kissed my head.

Finally, we heard a knock on the door and I realized that Hayley was home. Drew pulled away from me and then looked at the door.

     "I don't want to leave yet," he said.

     "I don't want you to leave yet," I said. I had just had the greatest moment of my life and now it had to end.

     "Come on," he pulled me up and went to open the door. Before Hayley could say anything, he pulled me into the hallway. I didn't know where we were going, and I didn't care. Drew led me outside and because it was Saturday morning, most kids had something to do. We walked to the pond and he smiled. I looked around and noticed things I hadn't noticed last night. The pond looked different in the daylight, but it still looked beautiful. He took my hand and pulled me onto the grass. I laid in the grass and he laid beside me. If we were a couple, I would say it was very romantic.

It suddenly hit me that I had just kissed my best friend. I kissed my crush. And it wasn't just a little kiss either, it was passionate. I was on cloud 9. Drew just had his arm around my shoulder and there was a good inch between our bodies.

In one swift move, he closed the space between us and pulled me as close as possible. He brushed his thumb over my lips and put his face in the crook of my neck.

     "Please be mine," Drew whispered in my ear and I smiled.

     "I'm yours," I said and he kissed me sweetly.

     "Finally mine."

     "Yes, finally yours," I said and we laid together. A few kisses were shared and stories were told until finally, he had to leave.

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