Chapter 12

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Andy's POV

How dare he harm my girlfriend? It might not be such a big deal to Juliet, but it is to me. No one gets away with it. No one.

I headed towards Sam's table, but stopped and had a long think about how this was gonna end.

Firstly, Sam isn't here.

Plus, Juliet wouldn't like it, would she? She said it was no big deal, so I shouldn't... Should I?

I decided against my original plan and walked back to the hang out spot. What I saw killed me. Sam Newman. Kissing. MY girl.

Why is Juliet allowing this to happen? Does she like it? No.. She couldn't.

I moved closer and saw that Juliet was struggling against Sam's grasp. So.. He is forcing her.. While Scout just watches in amusement. She disgusts me.

"Hey! Get off of my girlfriend!" I yelled at Sam. He stopped what he was doing, turned around and smirked. In the corner of my eye, I see the guys running towards us and surrounding Sam. Juliet was too busy spitting and wiping her tongue and Scout? She was still watching this event take place. Maybe this was planned. Set up. Just for Scout. I don't like that. So, instead of wanting to punch him I wanted to him a long, hard lecture. Experiencing a girl fight for once.

"Y'know, usually, this would go physical. But I know that you and your stupid girlfriend like it that way. So I'm gonna change it. You do not harm my girlfriend, you do not force yourself onto my girlfriend, you do not hold her so tight that she's going to break. You have your own girlfriend to do that with. Juliet is my girlfriend and if I find out that you put your hand on her, I will take revenge. Whether there be to you, your group of friends, or your messed up girlfriend. We all know I'm capable of doing so. You're just lucky I didn't destroy you today. Now. Go. And drag your girlfriend with you before I destroy her "pretty" face." I spat and watched him and Scout leave. Well, that was fun.

I turned to Juliet. She clung onto me like a koala. She started to cry and I did my best to soothe her.

"H-he forced himself onto me a-and he tr-tri-" I cut her sobs off by kissing her. Trust me when I say she spat out everything she had. It was funny to watch in the corner of my eye while giving my enemy a lecture. It felt weird. Is this how girls fight? Cuz it's stupid. It doesn't get you anywhere. Well, unless you're a guy but still.

Juliet's POV

The day has been horrible and good at the same time. Sure there were awful, disgusting things that had happened, but Andy told me constantly not to worry. I thought I'd lose him, even though it wasn't my fault. But he kept on telling me "Don't worry, I know it's not broken yet."

I will write that in a song someday.

Might as well start today.

I picked up a pen and my notebook and started tapping.

I wrote down the first thing that popped into my mind.

"Back when we first kissed it felt like..."

I had a flashback to our first kiss. Sparks flew and stars shined brightly and it felt like the world changed. Aha!

...every star above our heads aligned."

I kept tapping away, trying to think of some lines and inspirations.

The day we kissed made me feel complete. Like a puzzle. I was missing one piece and he put it together.

"Every little piece fell into place and..."

Memories flooded my head. All of the memories we shared made me feel happy. No matter what time it was, or what had happened, Andy made me feel safe and invigorated. I can't put invigorated in there. It's too complicated. Hmm.. Think.. Alive! There we go.

"Every single moment made us feel alive."

I stopped writing and started to drift to a lovely sleep.


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