Memories ...

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"Courtney? Are you there? Is that you?"

"Yea, it''s me." His voice still made her feel butterflies.


"Oh good. I think there is a mistake with your listing. They listed you as a Mrs. Higgins. You should probably fix that―" Obviously, he wasn't affected in any way. He was still as straightforward as ever. Courtney quickly recovered and replied in the clearest tone she could muster,

"There's nothing wrong with the listing. I am Mrs. Higgins now."

"Oh. Uhm...That complicates everything then."

"Complicates what? Why exactly are you calling me, Alex?"

"I was just wondering... Are you two still together?"

"I don't see how that is any of your business."

"I need your help, Courtney. That's what this is about. I'm in a fix and you're the only one that can help. Just answer the question." That did it. If she'd been mad at him before, now she was incensed.

"How dare you Alexander Reeze. You abandon me in a hotel in Mexico, with no money, no friends, nothing. You just left me there with no explanation whatsoever except some silly scrawl on a napkin that says "We've had our fun"...And now you call me, after six years, to say you need my help and you expect me to just receive you with wide open arms and do whatever you say!?"

There was a brief silence at the other end and then he replied, "Courtney, you really are under no obligation to help me out. But you're the only one that can. Could you consider me, for just a second?" The answer to that was very simple.

"No," and she slammed the phone down on the receiver.

A week passed and she didn't hear anything else from Alex. Not that she expected him to beg her or at least, apologize. He wasn't called the Stud of Stanton for nothing. He never begged for anything. If she'd known these 6 years ago, maybe she wouldn't have made all those mistakes with him. All those nights of heated passion. All the romantic, candlelit dinners. All of them filled with empty promises. Promises that she had listened to instead of her parents' warnings. If she'd known how the whole affair would have ended, she would've listened to them, spent more time with them before...anyway, she'd moved on now, but it still hurt. Thankfully, she had other things to take her mind off Alex. Like her son, Liam and Sam's bills. She'd not gone anywhere in raising the money and her two weeks deadline was approaching fast.

On a cool Wednesday evening, exactly 10 days after Sam's checkup, she heard her doorbell ring and left her cooking to open it. The first person she saw was Liam. And she noticed the black sports car in her driveway.

"Mum!" He ran into her arms and she grabbed him. Then, he started chattering about school and his friends and ended with "... and then our car broke down on the way here and this nice guy gave us a lift in his really cool car. He talks funny," That was what caught her attention. Alex had always been a fan of sports cars and his British accent had always been strong. She dropped Liam and looked out the door.

"That's nice, baby. Where's Grandma?"

"She's with the nice guy. They were talking when I left the car to meet you. Do you know the man, mum?"

"I really hope not. C'mon, go upstairs and stay with Sam. Let mummy see this nice guy, okay?"

"Sure. Sam!!!" and he bounded up the stairs. Courtney stepped out to the porch just as her grandmother came out of the passenger's side of the black car. And Alex came out the driver's side. He had changed a bit. His hazel brown hair wasn't falling in unruly tufts around his ears anymore; they were now well cut and tamed.  But those eyes were still the same; those deep blue eyes were still as mysterious as ever. His dimples still flashed whenever he smiled at someone, that charming smile that worked like magic on any unfortunate female. It was working its magic on her grandma right now. The poor old woman stood no chance against Alex's charms. He quietly said something to her from across the car and she started blushing like a 16 year-old. Which didn't help in making Court feel better in any way. Then, he finally looked up at her.

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