Man and wife?

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Sorry for the delay everyone. I just got into a new course. Officially studying pharmacy!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉. So I've been so busy. Thank you so much for the views and for your comments. They are highly appreciated. Keep reading!!!

    "What do you mean 'no kisses'!?"
    "Exactly what you heard."
    "How in hell can that happen? We're supposed to be married and in love. How can we not kiss?"
    "Either you agree to this or the deal is off."
    "How can I not kiss__ I mean, we're trying to make people think we love each other. How can we do that without showing affection for each other?"
    "There are other ways of showing affection. Holding hands, hugging... Pick one of those. So are you in or not?" Courtney was enjoying herself. Alex really looked pained. As if not kissing her was like a punishment or something. As if he had been looking forward to it. Wait, is that even a good thing? she thought suddenly.
Alex sighed in exasperation and finally said, "OK, OK. I've heard you. No kisses. What else?"
    "No show of affection at all when we're alone. At all."
He smiled at her coyly and said, "That's understandable. But if I recall correctly, there were times when we were very good at showing each other lots of affection. Especially when we were alone."
Courtney nearly choked again. Her memories of those times hit her with such intensity that when she looked at him, she could picture every single night they spent together, every single moment of passion they'd shared. She suddenly felt hot.
    "Alex," her voice came out softer than she wanted. He held up his hands  in surrender.
    "It's OK. Granted. Any other condition?"
    "No." With that, he wrote down her conditions and his then they both signed. Courtney checked her watch. 3:15pm.
    "Are we leaving now?"
    "How about lunch?"
    "I've got to pick Liam from soccer practice by 4."
    "We've got time till then."
    "I really don't wanna spend time with you, Alex," it was out before she could stop it. Alex's eyes narrowed and his voice dropped a note lower than normal.
    "What exactly are you scared of, Courtney? Why do you try so hard to get rid of me?"
She didn't want to let him know how much he affected her, how every little touch, no matter how small, made her senses go on overdrive. Made her want to just touch him everywhere. She didn't want to tell him, cos it annoyed her. She didn't like feeling that way. He'd hurt her so much. She wanted to be angry at him. But every time she saw him, anger was always the last thing on her mind.
    "Courtney, I'm talking to you."
    "I know. And I don't wanna answer."
    "You do know we're going to spend at least six months together. We need to get along."
    "It's a contract marriage, Alex. Not a bonding session. I'm under no obligation to get close to you."
Alex knew she was right, but the truth hurt. A lot.
    "OK. If you say so. Are you leaving now? I could drop you at his school."
    "No. You can have lunch. I'll go myself. Thanks for uhm... the deal I guess."
    "You sure you don't want me to drop you?"
    "I'm sure. Later Alex." And she turned to leave.
    "Hey um... Thanks Courtney. You're really saving me here."
    "It's OK." And she walked away from their table. Alex watched her retreating figure and it dawned on him that the next six months would be the most trying months of his life.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
2 days later.
"You're getting married?!"
Courtney looked around at the dazed faces in her living room.  Lateesha, Marge, Grandma and Sam all looked like they had been hit by six-wheeler trucks.
    "Yea. I am."
    "To the 'old friend' from last week?" Marge asked in disbelief.
     "I didn't just meet him last week y'know. We've been dating for a while."
    "Yea, that too. Secret dating? When did we start keeping secrets from each other?" Lateesha asked with concern laced in her voice.
    "I didn't want you guys to do exactly what you're doing right now."
    "What are we doing?" Her grandmother asked.
    "Freaking out unnecessarily."
    "We're not freaking out. We're just worried. I mean, I've only seen this guy once,"Marge informed.
     "You've even seen him. I have no idea who this guy is. And I'm the one that lives with her 24/7," Sam stated.
    "Well, in her defense,you've been hospitalized for quite a while," Lateesha pointed out.
    "For just three weeks! In my opinion that's not enough time to meet, date AND agree to marry a guy."
    "Stop shouting Sam. You're not so strong yet," Grandma warned then faced Courtney, "Baby, are you sure of this? Cos this isn't a game. It's marriage. You're gonna spend the rest of your life with him."
    "Grandma, I've been married before y'know."
    "Yea, and how did that work out for ya?" Sam muttered and Marge promptly gave him a rap on the shoulder.
    "Ouch! What was that for?"
    "Talking a lot. That we don't really know the guy doesn't make him the devil. We're not against Courtney getting married. We just wanna be sure she's making the right choice," Marge said.
    "Y'all are just going around in circles here. Courtney, do you love this guy? And does he love you too? Cos if the answer to those two questions is yes, then we really don't need to talk much," Lateesha simply said.
They all turned to Courtney, waiting for an answer.
She wanted to tell them it was all a lie. They were her family, they deserved to know the truth. They'd probably understand...
She took a deep breath and replied,
    "I do love him and I know he feels the same way. I really wanna do this guys. Please support me," she looked at Marge and Lateesha. They both smiled at her and nodded. Grandma took her hand, squeezed softly and nodded at her too. She turned to face Sam. She knew he'll be the hardest to convince.
    "Sam? I can't do this without you." He looked at all of them then shrugged and said,
    "OK, do I even have a choice? As long as you're happy, Court."
    "Thanks Sammy. Thanks a lot guys. This means a lot to me."
    "What about Liam?" Marge asked and added, "Have you told him yet?"
Courtney smiled. The only genuine one since today.
"Yea, I have. Actually_" as if on cue, Liam ran through the door with a huge wrapped box. He quickly yelled a 'hi everyone' and dashed straight to his mother's side.
    "Mum! Mum! See what Alex  got me! It's a heli, Mum! And it actually flies!"
   "Liam, I told you not to_,"Alex stopped talking when he saw the small gathering in the living room,"Am I interrupting something?"
    "Oh no no. You came right on time. Come sit down," Marge said and made room for him on the couch between herself and Lateesha. Alex gave Courtney a scared look,
    "Am I safe, hun?"
He called her hun. She knew it was just for show and all but it still managed to throw her thoughts off course. She looked up at him and nodded a yes. He then squeezed himself between Marge and Lateesha.
    "Is this an interrogation session?", Alex asked.
    "You can call it that. Courtney, go help Liam with his toys, okay?" Grandma more or less ordered.
That could be translated as 'We don't need you here to give him support.' Courtney smiled a bit and stood. He was in for the interrogation of his life, but given the fact that they'd rehearsed almost everything concerning their supposed relationship, it was gonna be easy for him.
    "OK. I'll be upstairs if you guys need me."
    "I'll come with you," Sam said and slowly stood up from his chair, using his walking cane to support himself.
    "Really? You're not gonna stay?" Lateesha inquired.
    "I don't see why I should. C'mon Court, let's go," and he started walking to the stairs.
Courtney realized at that moment that Sam letting her marry Alex was one thing and actually getting to trust Alex was another. It was gonna take a while.
She went up to Liam's room and listened to all the fun he had with Alex. But she wasn't actually listening, she wanted to talk to Sam. He'd entered his room and locked his door immediately he came up the stairs. She'd knocked but he didn't open it. It just got her more worried. He__
    "Mum!" Liam's voice jolted her back to earth.
    "Yea, baby, what's it?"
    "I said, when are you and Lex gonna get married?"
    "I dunno. He just proposed last___" Liam interrupted her.
    "He said next week. He told me in the car."
She smiled at him, "You guys are getting along real fast."
    "Well, he's fun and he knows a lot bout dinosaurs, which you don't and he__" Liam suddenly stopped mid-sentence.
    "What's it, baby?
    "I-I don't really miss dad much when Lex is here. I'm happy he's gonna be my new dad."
Courtney felt a wrench in her heart. What was she doing to her son?

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