She said Yes!

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Alex was just unbelievable. After he'd dropped his card with her, Courtney had hoped he'd leave her be but no... He just had to start paying her visits and calling her incessantly.
      On one of his numerous visits about 2 weeks after he'd waltzed back into her life, Courtney couldn't take it anymore. She stood beside the kitchen door and  watched Liam play with him in the living room. At that moment, she just knew she had to do something about their growing fondness.
    "Liam, dinner's ready. And when you're done eating, go do your homework."
     "OK mum. Lex, I'll be right back!" And he went over to the kitchen. Courtney walked to the chair in front of Alex and sat down.
      "Lex? Where did that come from?"
      "Liam, Lex. Your boy's quite smart. He came up with that himself."
      "Why are you doing this?"
       "I didn't know it was horrible to play with your son, Courtney."
      "It is if you're gonna walk out of his life soon."
       "I don't plan on doing that."
       "I told you. I'm not marrying you. No matter what."
       "And I told you. I'm not giving up."
     Courtney sighed and kept quiet. She had other things on her mind. Getting into an argument with Alex wasn't gonna solve anything. Besides he'd always loved having the last word so any verbal battle with him was gonna last for ages. What she needed now was to win a lottery or something. Her bank had called to ask about the mortgage. Grandma's pension wasn't gonna cover all that, besides the old woman had already done so much by taking care of Liam's fees for the year. Courtney sighed inwardly. She'd already taken an advance salary at her job so that wasn't an option either. Thankfully, Alex had covered Sam's bills so she didn't have to worry about him for now. And according to Dr. Ben, he was making a full recovery from the operation and he'll be out soon. She'll have to...
    "Courtney!" She jerked back to reality and looked at Alex.
    "Courtney, did you hear even a word I said?"
    "Sorry, I was thinking about something."
    "Which is?"
    "None of your business." The last thing she needed now was his sympathy.
   "It's obviously going to be money reasons. Courtney, you do know you can end all this. Just agree to my proposal... I promise you you won't regret it."
    "Same thing you said before you dumped me six years ago."
    "That's the past Court. This is now. I need your help. Think of all the things you could use the money I'll pay you to do. The things it could do for Liam and Sam. It'll be a shame to just let it..." His phone rang and interrupted him. Courtney saw a flash of grief register on his face before he excused himself and went outside to take the call. Curiosity got the better of her and she tiptoed to the door to eavesdrop.
    "Hey mum. How are you?... no, I'm not in England. I have this business to deal with... Yes, mother. I'm getting my rest... I told you, it's a surprise. You'll see it on your birthday... Hope you're taking your medications... mother...ok,ok just a hint. It's a really beautiful place. You're gonna love it... No, it's not a house..." He chuckled and Courtney finally saw his eyes light up like they used to when they were together,"... mum, I have to go. I'll call you some other time. Please rest... I love you more." And the call ended. Courtney scurried back to her chair and sat down before he walked back inside. For someone that just ended a call with his mum, he looked sad.
    "Is everything OK?"
    "I just got a call from my mum. There's no problem." And his façade was back up.
    "Is the estate for her?"
    "The estate. Is it for your mother? The birthday gift you were talking about?" He frowned slightly at her.
    "You shouldn't listen to other people's conversations... but yes, it's for her. She's...uh... not feeling so well so I thought a change of scenery will be nice for her." Courtney felt tears sting her eyes. She'd never gotten the chance to  give her mum anything special for her birthday. Or her dad. She'd been too busy being a stubborn truant to even think about them. And here he was, the reason for her truancy, buying his mother a multi-million dollar estate.
    "Courtney... Why are you crying? Is everything OK?"
    "I'm fine. I just got something in my eye. That's all," and she wiped her tears on her sleeve.
    "Oh..Kay. I'll just take the lie. You obviously don't plan on telling me the truth anyway. I think I'll be going now. It's getting late. I'll see you soon."
    "Do you have to come back here again?" He smiled.
    "Not gonna give up. I told you. Can I see Liam before I leave?"
She was tempted to say no, but she knew it would just be mean of her. So she called, "Liam!"
    "Coming!" In a flash, he was already in the living room. He raised his blue eyes to look at Alex. "Are you leaving already? But I'm nearly done with my homework. Don't go now."
    Alex squatted in front of the boy and ruffled his hair, "I'll be back soon. But before then, try not to bug your mum without me."
   Liam smiled and nodded enthusiastically, "I won't."
    "Good. I'll see you soon enough," and he stood up to face Courtney, "I'll be leaving. Take good care." Then there was that awkward moment where they were confused if they should shake hands, hug or just leave it be. Finally they decided on a handshake.
    "Well, uh... bye. Bye Liam."
    "Bye Lex!" And he was gone.
    "C'mon Liam. Let's go finish your homework."
    "Do you like him, mum?" Courtney was taken aback by his words. She stopped in her tracks.
    "Like who, baby?"
    "I like him. He's fun and he talks funny...I think you like him too."
    "And what makes you think that?"
    "Cos you always try to look nice whenever he comes."
Courtney was about denying what he said then it dawned on her that it was true. She did try to look good whenever Alex came. Why was she doing that? She didn't care what he thought about her, right?
    That night, she kept thinking about Alex's proposal. She had nothing to lose. And truth be told, she really needed the money he was gonna pay her. Besides, it wasn't just a business deal. It was a gift for his mom. She didn't want to stand in the way of that. With this in mind, she picked up her phone.

* * * * * * * * *

Alex's cell rang by 11:53pm. Cursing mildly, he clumsily reached for it on the dressing table beside his bed. He checked the caller ID. Courtney. Instantly, he didn't feel sleepy anymore. He cleared his throat then picked the call.
    "Uh. Hey."
    "I'll do it." He wasn't sure he heard her right.
    "Please repeat that."
    "I said I'll do it. But this is not for your sake. It's for your mother. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't even consider this. We'll meet tomorrow to draw up a contract. I have conditions."
    "Sure... Uhm... sorry, I just didn't expect this. Uh. OK. I'll pick a place and we can meet up by 9 am tomorrow."
    "No. I'll pick the place. And we can't meet by 9am. I have work. I'll tell you where and when tomorrow. Goodnight." And she dropped the call. Alex stared at his phone for a while. She'd actually agreed. He knew he hadn't been exactly truthful about the real reason why he needed the estate. But hey, what she didn't know couldn't kill her, right? He quickly dialed Lucas's number. Lucas picked on the last ring.
    "This had better be worth it," Lucas drawled. Alex could hear his fast breathing and muffled moans in the background. Lucas was not gonna change anytime soon.
    "Who are you with?" He just had to ask. Lucas chuckled on the other end then whispered into the phone,
    "The face of Victoria's secret. Now hurry. I'm real busy."
    "She said yes."

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