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707: I know that you're a character controlled by someone from the real world.

But even though our world is different,

You still treat us kindly.

But, we do realize...

That some day you'll surely find someone.

Someone's that 'real' just like you, someone from the same world as you.


You'll surely love him or her...

*Takes a deep breath* You'll love him or her more then us...

And our time to say good-bye will surely come...

And when that time comes....

All we wanted to say is...

Everyone:Thank you

Yoosung:We will not forget about the time we spent together.

Zen:I hope that you're happy with that person who is from the same world as you.

Jumin:Even though you saw the bad side of us, you stayed with us.

Jaehee:We just hope that you remember us someday and drop in.

707: Just....don't completely forget about us okay?

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