Jumin:Hi my names Zen and my ego is bigger then my dick huuuUUUHHHhh
Zen:Hi my names Jumin and I have a cat cause I can't get real pussy HuuuuuuUUUHHHH
Yoosung:Hi my names 707 and I stalk girls and call them while I'm crying so that they pity date me HUUuuhhhhh
707:My names Yoosung and I like to play LOLOL because it makes up for the fact that I don't have a girlfriend to compare to Rika huuuuuuuUuuUUUUUUh
Saeran:My names Luciel and I abandon my brother so that he can be safe when in reality, he wasn't safe and he got pulled into a evil organization.....huhhhhhhhhh