4. Stage Two

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I ended up trying on more clothing in the first three stores than I could remember, and now we were in store number four, some tiny boutique on the other side of the mall named Balboa. "How come you guys aren't window shopping too?" I called, peeling off a lilac blouse. Gabe had quickly dismissed it since it didn't fit right in the shoulders or something. I was learning to just go with his suggestions, something the guys had hinted at several times since I'd met them, actually.

"I am," Gabe insisted. "This is how I window shop."

"By having other people try things on?" I wondered, pulling on what I assumed was the last top. Well, at least for now.

"Yep. Do you have that tartan skirt on yet?" he asked.

I examined the dark blue and green skirt I was holding and realized tartan was the pattern. "Almost." I pulled it up over my hips, zipping up the side quickly before opening the dressing room door. "But Victor's not trying things on," I continued.

"You just can't tell because I've kept you busy," Gabe replied easily, fiddling with the collar on the blouse I was now wearing. It had lace embroidery across the shoulders and pearl buttons down the front, and was probably somewhere severely north of nine dollars. As was everything he had me looking at, I realized. "Now, how do you feel in this?"

"Meanie?" He resettled the blouse on my shoulders, his fingers briefly tangling in the errant hairs that had escaped my messy bun. I knew he wanted my hair down — he'd mentioned it several times already — but it was just easier this way considering the level of involvement window shopping with him required.

"Hm?" he asked, distractedly looking at the skirt as he gently spun me around.

"We're not buying any of this," I reminded as he turned me again, stopping me inches from his bright blue eyes. "So it doesn't—"

"What do you think of the skirt, Trouble?" he whispered, smirking. I swallowed thickly. I couldn't find my words let alone think past how close we were, the press of his hands on my hips. I took a breath, trying to center myself. Really, how was I supposed to survive window shopping with Gabe if at any moment my heart threatened to tumble out of my chest?

"Meanie..." I tried again, my voice faltering.

"Trouble?" he asked innocently, his teasing smile only growing.

I sighed. "I like the skirt," I admitted.

"Great. Now it's time for stage two."


Stage two was shoes, most of the store's collection now settled at my feet. I'd tried on sandals and flats mostly, some sneakers. I felt bad for the people that would end up putting all of this away, since we wouldn't be buying any of it, but it was a bit fun to imagine owning some of them. We'd lost Victor at some point, but Gabe assured me it was fine before disappearing into the back again, leaving me on a black leather bench near a small sea of foot mirrors. He seemed to have full run of the place, and it made me wonder just how often these shopping trips occurred. I couldn't help but smile at how invested he was though. He had passion in spades. They all did when I thought about it. None of them ever did anything by half — when they were in, they were all in, one hundred and fifty percent.

"Surviving stage two?"

I looked up to find Victor approaching. I smiled, nodding slightly. "This is the pile Gabe deemed acceptable," I explained, pointing to the collection of shoe boxes near my feet.

"Ah," he said, picking up a random box and opening it to reveal a pair of brown leather sandals. "These are nice."

I agreed as he replaced the box lid and took a seat beside me. The guilt settled in as I thought about why Victor had even wanted to come to the mall, since we hadn't helped him find something for the girl he liked yet. "We don't have to do all the stages," I said quickly, catching him off guard.

"Princess?" His eyes refocused on me, and I realized I couldn't meet the intensity of his gaze if I wanted to tell him what I was thinking.

"Well if you... I mean, you'd wanted to get something for..." I blushed, unsure how to really bring it up.

He settled an arm on the back of the bench, his thigh lightly pressing against mine before dismissing the idea with a slight shake of his head. "There's still time. It's best not to interrupt Gabe's flow," he said with a soft smile. He seemed to think for a moment, studying me. "How do you feel about school starting tomorrow?"

I couldn't believe I'd almost forgot. The familiar anxiety started its torturous prowl, reminding me of the last time I'd been at Ashley Waters. The guys had told me I didn't need to worry about McCoy anymore, but the memory of seeing him in the place I'd be attending school this year lingered. And then there were the classes I'd been able to get a spot in. We'd gotten our schedules last week, and the guys had already double-checked that we had classes together. Everyone wasn't in every class, but there was at least one of them in each of mine, so I knew I'd have someone to sit next to at least.

And Kota had been right — all of us had lunch the same period, which was a huge relief. The only class I was really worried about was the surprise that had showed up on my schedule — violin with Mr. Blackbourne. I sighed. I didn't even have a violin, and on top of that the fear of disappointing him was enough to twist the knots in my stomach even further.

"Nervous," I finally said, studying the boxes of shoes in front of me while I sorted out my thoughts.

I felt gentle fingertips beneath my chin, and I looked up to find Victor's imploring gaze. "Princess, you have nothing to worry about," he said sincerely. His fingers traced the line of my jaw hesitantly, and I was momentarily distracted by his touch. I could feel my cheeks burning, but his eyes were only brighter as he regarded me.

"You're probably right," I murmured as he dropped his hand, the ghost of his touch imprinted on my skin. It wouldn't be the first time I'd started a new school, but it would be the first time I'd started one with friends. "I still might need some luck though," I said with a small smile, thinking of my full schedule.

"Oy!" We turned to find Gabe emerging from the back, surprisingly empty-handed. "Trouble are you hungry?"

I shrugged. I wasn't, but North had mentioned the other day it seemed like I never really was. Thinking of him I added, "I probably should eat though."

"Right. Well, Victor..." they shared another one of those meaningful stares and Victor stood quickly.

"I'll catch up with you, I should pick up some... shoes for the concert," he said vaguely, and Gabe smirked.

"Concert?" I asked as Gabe wrapped an arm around my shoulders, leading me out of the store. "Who's he seeing?"

Gabe's crystal blue eyes were mischievous. "You know what Trouble? I'll let Vic tell you about that."

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