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The most common Korean surnames are Kim, Lee, and Park, in that order. (You will also find the surnames "lee" Romanized as "Rhee", "Ri", "Yi", "Li", and "I" although in the Korean script, these are all spelled the same way.

"Park" strictly speaking should be Romanized as "Pak", but most Korean seem to think that "Park" is a better guide to a sound.

Although, they may not be related, millions of Koreans share their surname as a consequence. Families distinguish themselves by their place of origin,such as "Andong." Thus, you may find that "Andong Kims" are family whose clan shrine is in Andong. Most surnames are one syllable, though there are few two-syllables ones; "Sakong" is one example.

Given names are very important in distinguishing people. Most Koreans have two-syllables given names. Frequently, all the family members of the one sex generation will share one of the syllables.

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