Chapter Three: The Queen

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"Awesome!" is, I think, the best adjective I can use. Magika is full of all your fantasies and dreams so I got really excited. When I was entering the great world of Magika, I was welcomed by fairies.

"Lala, how many Earthlings were chosen?"

"About half a hundred. These children aging 12-15 years are those who aren't given a chance to pursue their dreams in Earth."

We fell in line. A line of the chosen ones. Lala said that this line ends in the house of "The Wise Old Man". She had said that this wizard has the ability to answer one of your question. He hasn't failed to answer the truth so with that, I got so pumped up. He will also say where will one live according to his or her ability. It's among Terranus (the highlands where the brave and strong will live), the Thalasa (where the intelligent ones will live), and the Aeras (where people with good will live).

I waited for approximately twenty minutes. So when it came to my turn, I was speechless.

"What is your question, child?" said the wise man

"Wh-w-w-where are my par-parents?"

He thought for it for a while and I saw that he's experiencing some difficulties.

"What's the answer?"

"One question at a time."

He did not even answered my question. Maybe there is really no answer to my question. After that he became weird (I mean he is weird but now he's wierder). He closed the door and curtains.

"Lala bring her to the queen. It is urgent."

He then made a portal appear and advised us to enter it. It was the easiest way to the queen. We vanished after it closed.

Lala and I got in front of a majestic castle.

"We need to see the queen! This is really important." Lala said to the guards

"Permission is granted. You may now see the queen."

I was really nervous, I didn't know why this is urgent. The other chosen ones did not go through this so I didn't know what to expect.

At the throne, the queen was spotless but there was a lady wearing white and they call her 'The Eye'. She is one of the most important Magikan because she has the ability to see everthing and know everything.

She went near me and laid her hand on my forehead. Her eyes turned white and a light appeared on her hand.

"I see great things ahead with this boy." she had said

"Set a grand and a festive room for Aries." she commanded to the maids.

"You will live with us here. I assure you that you will learn great things from us."

"Thank you."

Why? What did she find within me that I could stay in Magika's most magical place?

Later on, the queen showed up. Everyone kneeled and bowed. The Eye went to her and whispered something. There I saw the joy in her eyes.

"Welcome, Aries! I am Queen Francia of Magika. Nice to meet you!"

"It's my honor."

She smiled and told her maids to dress me and feed me with the most delicious foods in the kingdom.

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