Chapter Seven: Kingdom of Erebus

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"Welcome to Erebus Earthling! Please rejoice for her; the queen of our kingdom, Queen Gallia!"
   Loud cheers made the whole kingdom fill. I did not know what to feel. Actually, I am numb at all hanging within this cage.. "It has come."
   "So how are you?" she asked
   "Bring me back to Queen Francia, your sister, your great sister. You evil witch."
   "(smiling) You know, you're just a puppet on a string connected to a hand powerful to over control you. But, when a string gave up, a part of you will be free."
    What the heck is she saying?
    "Like this!" she said
(The rope where the cage is attached was cut)
*Everyone cheered
    As I fall, she put her hand up and snapped, and made the cage turn to crows allowing me to be carried to her.
   "You've got really scared. Being frightened is a sign that you're not brave enough."
   "Queen Francia said it is okay to be scared."
   "(laughing) She's always wrong. How can you fight if you are not capable of having the guts (hitting Aries' chest)? You know what's scarier? This one!"
   Three masked men appeared: one has a sharp sword, one has a huge axe, and the other has nothing. I stepped backward after that. The evil queen had said that this is a ritual of ending the prophecy. They have done this for the second time including this. The other one was a false prophecy leading him to be killed innocently.
   "You may choose your rival!"
   A circular stage flew high supposed to be a fight arena. It has a small space that if you had a wrong step you will fall into a vast, deep ocean.
    I had to be practical so I chose the one who has nothing.
    "If you win, you can be free and you can get back."
    We both was placed in both sides of the elevated stage. Sweating heavily, I was getting ready for a fist fight.
    "The battle will begin in 3... 2... 1!"
     As possible, I'm avoiding any physical contact with him so all I do is dodge and run in a small space. I had been cornered so he socked me and it hurt me badly leaving my head in shook. I should fight back now.
    I started to punch him in the face but it seems he was not hurt at all so I just did bite his arm strangling me. He began to moved backward leaving a meter space between us.
   A blaze of fire suddenly came out of his hand.
   "That's unfair!"
   I dodge and dodge but it hit me right through the chest. The impact got me out of the ring. Luckily, I got a hold unto the edge of the stage. I was just not letting go. I suddenly remember what Princess Lyda, daughter of Francia and the princess of the wind, told me that if I'm in trouble all I have to say is:
   "Hawks soar high!" I repeated simultaneously but nothing is coming.
   The stage started shaking and tilting right to left. So I got swinging holding tight. Suddenly I heard a strange noise from a far. Everyone was stopped. The sunshine was blinded with the silhouette of huge wings.
   The help I need is here.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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